CFL Grow *Update* 22 days bud


Active Member
Hey everybody, :leaf:Ganjainmybrain:leaf: is back with a new update for you all to evaluate for me. Plaese let me know what you guys think, it would be greatly appreciated. Skunk Expresso is now 3 wks and a day into bud, and Tangerine Green is 9 days into bud. Skunk Expresso looks fucking delicious to me man, can't wait to do a bong load of that shit man! That shit smells exactly like fucking Kind Bud nuggets.:weed:

Sincerely Stoned-:leaf:Ganjainmybrain:leaf:



Well-Known Member
I'd move my light(s) closer IF heat's not an issue.
Starting about now, you should see major bud growth for the next few couple/few weeks.


Active Member
I'd move my light(s) closer IF heat's not an issue.
Starting about now, you should see major bud growth for the next few couple/few weeks.

Exactly how much closer should I move the lights to my plant? And How much bud growth explosion should I see in the next 2 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Exactly how much closer should I move the lights to my plant? And How much bud growth explosion should I see in the next 2 weeks?
As close as possible w/o burning your foliage.

As for bud growth, in my case (after lots of grows) it seems buds do most of their forming growth (vertical) weeks 3-5 of 12/12 (indoors) then put on bulk weeks 6 thru harvest.
This is probably strain dependent, but should apply as a general guideline, I would think.


Active Member
Awesome, thanks a lot man! It's greatly appreciated! Oh also I know when Marijuana is flowering it takes a lot of the sugars in the plant for bud growth. So i tried something today 1 16Oz cup of water diluted with 2 tablespoons of sugar. I will continue to water like this only once a week just to see how things go. I will keep you guys posted, any ideas would be great!

Sincerely Stoned-:leaf:Ganjainmybrain:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Awesome, thanks a lot man! It's greatly appreciated! Oh also I know when Marijuana is flowering it takes a lot of the sugars in the plant for bud growth. So i tried something today 1 16Oz cup of water diluted with 2 tablespoons of sugar. I will continue to water like this only once a week just to see how things go. I will keep you guys posted, any ideas would be great!

Sincerely Stoned-:leaf:Ganjainmybrain:leaf:
dont use sugar dude it attracts buggys u dont want...use a couple tablespoons of mollasses per gal throughout the whole grow....


Active Member
dont use sugar dude it attracts buggys u dont want...use a couple tablespoons of mollasses per gal throughout the whole grow....

That's the thing though, I was planning on doing that first. But then I find out i don't have molasses so i substituted it with Sugar. And of course realizing that's not the brightest of Idea's but it will have to do in the mean time until i get some Molasses.


Active Member
:leaf:Alright dude, sounds like a good idea to wait, rather than risk it all. Thanks for the advice man. Make sure to keep and eye out for my updates I will post another update on the 30th. So be sure to check that one out to man. Peace.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
:leaf:Alright dude, sounds like a good idea to wait, rather than risk it all. Thanks for the advice man. Make sure to keep and eye out for my updates I will post another update on the 30th. So be sure to check that one out to man. Peace.:leaf:
Will do keep up the good better update or ill kill just kiddin...but seriously u better update