Hi Guys
Im a newb...
I unpacked my cfl lamp etc yesterday, and noticed it has little plastic cylinders no bigger than the nail on your pinkie finger in length. They are glued on between each bulb holding them together at the bottom.... is this just for safe transportation or should I keep them on?
Also I got a tent at the same time, I have some black pullies to hang the lights from, but for one I dont think I need them because the cfl lamp is vertically hanging from its lead, and I cant see how I would fit them to it. I was planning on just using them when I buy a hps next month (keeping costs manageable by buying what I need as i go along)
I hope this makes to sense to you guys, any feedback/thoughts etc would be appreciated!
Im a newb...
I unpacked my cfl lamp etc yesterday, and noticed it has little plastic cylinders no bigger than the nail on your pinkie finger in length. They are glued on between each bulb holding them together at the bottom.... is this just for safe transportation or should I keep them on?
Also I got a tent at the same time, I have some black pullies to hang the lights from, but for one I dont think I need them because the cfl lamp is vertically hanging from its lead, and I cant see how I would fit them to it. I was planning on just using them when I buy a hps next month (keeping costs manageable by buying what I need as i go along)
I hope this makes to sense to you guys, any feedback/thoughts etc would be appreciated!