CFL Lighting and Ventilation for Homebox XS

Dr. Conrad

Active Member
i just bought a homebox xs online and have many questions about lighting and ventilation.
I have decided to go with CFL's throughout the entire grow, but i was wandering if two 125W cfl would be enough for the whole tent (2'x2'x4') if so i will be using 2 6500k for veg and 2 2700k for bud.

Also for ventilation, i have no idea what im doing. if someone could pick out the parts for me that'd be great lol

Dr. Conrad

Active Member
Yes (2) 125W bulbs will work fine.

Here is a picture of a Blueberry plant that I grew with around 160W and I harvested a little under one ounce on it.

As for ventilation search for "wiring PC fans" and use a few PC fans.

Also feel free to check out my new grow;
Was that a homebox xs? and will a pc fan be enough to cover the smell? i also wanted to put as many plants into the space as possible.:bigjoint: