cfl lumens


I got ten 10 cfl light each 40 watts which equels 150 watts each bulb for a total of 1200 wat with a total of 26000 lumens. What can I grow under these lights?


Well-Known Member
Those 26000 lumen are only good for up to 2-3 inches away from the bulb. You should be able to grow 4 plants with an ok yield assuming you top and LST your plants. A Scrog might not be bad depending on your set up.


Well-Known Member
10x40w = 400w of CFL. Ignore the equivalency. I was pulling 1oz a week with 400w of CFL:

I was pulling an oz a week with 388w of CFL here - First CFL Grow - Help appreciated

I would recommend a 3:1 of 6500K:2700K for veg and the opposite for flower.

Keep them small! CFLs don't do nearly as well with large plants unless you keep a clean scrog or LST. I started flowering at this size -

Dropping bulb between plants maximizes plant absorption without the loss of restrike like you would have with a reflector. I tried to cover the canopy in smaller bulbs and submerge larger bulbs between plants.

I would yield ~ 1oz per plant. With 6 in full flower at a time and two others just rotating into the flower box I was able to harvest a plant per week.

This took place in a 2x3x3.5' area of a small closet.
