CFL purifiers and smell.


I'm sure there've been threads on this before, but I can't seem to find them.

To anyone who has experience or knowledge on the CFL purifiers: Would two purifying CFL bulbs take care of the smell from 2 plants, in a closet, during flower?


Well-Known Member
I have got 2 air purifieing CFL's now going on my grow. They do work to a degree. In a small closet there effective but obviously only works when there turned on. Also depends on your strain I would suggest stick to the one plant perhaps to be on the safe side.
In short, although the lights are effective in eliminating odor, they do not possess the ability to completely remove the odor from many of your plants (no matter what the strain). Carbon filters exist for specifically this reason but can be expensive and their size can also be a factor. 'Ona' is a company that is specifically for odor control, so my best answer would be to use the lights in conjuction with the 'Ona' gel and go from there. The pungency of the odor will increase during flowering which is to be expected, and even with carbon filters 100% smell reduction is extremely rare, but that should be fine for now / if you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask :)

Illegal Smile

The solution to an odor problem lies in who you are worried about smelling it and from where. I wouldn't put any odor remedy in the grow closet. Maybe in the room the closet is in. So where is the odor noticer going to be? In the closet? In the room the closet is in? In the hallway outside that room? Several rooms away?


The closet is in my room. Ideally, I'd like to keep it smelling reasonable so that people wouldn't walk through my room and think "what the hell?"

A little odor is fine, but if its really bad I'll be out of luck.

Thanks guys. Just got the purifying CFL's today, I'll report back on how they work for me :)


Ive never grown before, but ive been in houses where it was grown and couldnt really pick the smell up, but im mainly wondering how strong is the smell when its in flower. i mean Are we talking it can stink up a house or would it be just the room it its in? I know its kind of a newb question, but its an honest one :)