CFL Question


I’m currently vegging 2 autos in 1 gallon fabric pots , my plan is to ultimately grow them in a greenhouse . My question is , is one 23 watt cfl enough supplementary light during the night and on cloudy days ? Am I wasting my time if I’m just going to put them outside or should I just get another clamp



Well-Known Member
I have a couple bigass 150 watt food cfl's, ive used them in a 24hour cycle for seedlings, also heated up the small tent, wich in turn helped with germination.
Your small light will keep them alive, but dont expect any sort of explosive growth.


Depends how long you want to keep it inside. Is it too cold to go out now?
Currently the greenhouse is running between 8^C and 16^C , obviously I can leave them outside on a sunny day but not on days like today for at least another 1-2 weeks . They’re 5 days old and growing well (outside/by the window) and I just want something to supplement them at night


Well-Known Member
I attempting the same thing, however I am around two weeks. Weather is warming up. Would like to put them outside but will go inside. I'm looking for recommendations on CFL growing as well if it doesn't heat up.?