Cfl question.

[email protected]

Well-Known Member
hey whats going on RIU? quick question, ima semi noob 3rd grow, been learning things on my own reading here an there. ok so here it goes.

for all stages ive been using daylight cfl, how much is that really going to effect my flower process, it defiantly has because its going on 12 weeks in 12-12. many pistils are still white where as i know that they all should be orange now. i recently relocated to cali, and left all my old equip to start fresh. i have basic setup just recently read that using 2700k lights will drastically improve the flower process. how much will it though as you see one of my gerbals are looking very nice but it should have been done already. only about 50% of the tric are brown..

any input would be appreciated

