cfl questions


Well-Known Member
if i have seedlings that are only a few days old will it hurt them to have alot of light bc i have 4 42w cfls on each and they are 3 to 4 in away and they are starting to turn yellow and look like they are about to die

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i had to drop down to 27wat cfl to get back into the light spectrum for veg the 30watt was a soft white (red)the daylight is in the blue spectrum


Well-Known Member
Are you adding any nutrients? If so you might wanna back off for a week or so because you might have nute burns on your plants not to mention you might be overwatering...hard to tell without a pic


Well-Known Member
How many seedlings? You need only about 25(veg)-50(flower) CFL-watts/square foot. So your bulbs are over-kill unless you have like 6 sq feet of sprouts.