Cfl spektrum

Hey guys, I've been doing some reading on here and I came across sone thread that says that for the first month or so it's best to use both blue and red spektrum. Now I don't know if this is true or not but, I'm curious to what you guys think. I've been using 5700k for veg. Plz let me know if you think I should use some bulbs with the red spektrum or not. Thanks
Ok, I see a few people looked at my post but didn't have an answer? Hmmm, maybe i'm not the only confused person about CFL's. I know doing this is alot of trial and error, but everybody wants their plants to yield the most they can. That's why I'm asking, in case someone had the chance to try it and see if it makes a differnce?
I took some pics of a couple plants and my grow box. Unfortuantly my computers not back from being fixed so I put them on photo could you guys tell me what you think and tell me what I can do to make it better? Thanks
you have to go to and then when you get there enter AeTc5mmm press enter and my pics pop up.


6500K best for veg ... 2700k for flower .. using a mix of the 2 is up to the user if they see benefit in using it :]


Well-Known Member
you're going to get different answers on this, some like to mix, others like the straight blue
i use 5500k cfl's for veg, they are excellent for veg
5700k is very close to the sun's 'kelvin temperature', which means you're replicating the solar spectrum fairly closely
I appreciate the advice about what spectrum to use and when. But I recently saw a grow that had it the way that I do and the plants looked awesome. So I thought I would try it for awhile and see how it goes.
What do you guys think will happen if I use the 2700k now? I was just thinking what harm could it do to add 1 bulb to the rest?


Well-Known Member
probably no harm, unless you're right on the edge with heat in the grow area, that's probably not the case, so extra usually won't hurt
I know that people really don't know for sure if mixing the spektrum is bad or not, but I think that my plants seem alot bushier/thicker since I put the 65w 2700k bulb in there. I think my plants look awesome for only 20days old. I will take better pics. In a little bit so you guys can tell me if they look good for how far along they are? Thanks for all your guys's insite.


Well-Known Member
i grew two ak's with 500w of 6400k and only 220w of 2700k, my buds were good. its totally up to you if thats all you got go ahead mate
I think my babies are doing quit well considering that I'm using Cfl's. I've got to say I'm surprised in just how good cfl's work. And considering that I made alot of nu-b mistakes they are hanging in there quit well.
How many watts per plant does everyone think is good enough? I'm using roughly 100 watts a plant right now, do you guys think that 100watts is good enough to grow them to there full potential?
After you get to photobucket there will beca box to search you need to enter aetc5mmm. It might come back as not found, but if you look down alittle further it will say did you mean aetc5mmm? Then click it and you can see all my plants. God this is such a pain in the butt, I really miss my computer! I need the help otherwise I would wait till Monday to do this. The brown spots worry me and I want to treat it as soon as possible.


Active Member
A Fluro has a wide spectrum, red is in there too. Basicly a fluro gives you the closets spectrum to the sun. I would not mess with red lights when vegging, but 5700k sounds low. I think you need to get few more bulbs in there to up your k's. Then when you flower you use a HPS.

Lighting is simple;

Veg with fluro
Flower with HPS

There are variations like vegging under MH and flowering and growing under LED's, but plain and simple always work better till you know what you are doing. I go for the best consistant results.
I think I'm gonna use cfl's this time around, since it's my first time. I have alot to learn yet, so I think by my second or third grow I will try Hps or Mh bulbs. But thanks for your help though, any kind of information is welcome.


Active Member
I think I'm gonna use cfl's this time around, since it's my first time. I have alot to learn yet, so I think by my second or third grow I will try Hps or Mh bulbs. But thanks for your help though, any kind of information is welcome.
You need a HPS for flowering. CFL perfect for veg, but for flowering it does not come close to cutting it.