
Active Member
My first grow and so far so good. Just got my two plants out of shock from something. Changed the soil, added a bigger, better fan and an exhaust fan. I was using 4 CFL lights, two 27 watt bulbs and two 14 watt true color cfl's from home depot. A friend of mine just gave me two HPS lights and a HUGE metal halide. (Looks like I'll be changing my name to shedgrower69 soon!!!!) Anyway, changed the cfl's out for one of the hps lights today. I don't see how it would hurt my plants but I want to make sure. What do ya'all think?


Active Member
you will never go wrong upgrading your lights .... hps will give you a better harvest for sure ... I have used cfl's and it just takes too many to do any real good ....


Well-Known Member
how big HPS? Are you still vegging, if so use the MH. How big are your ladies? How far is your new light from top of plants? What is temperature and humidity in your room. Sorry but you are missing out on a LOT of important info to give you any specific answers.


Active Member
I've noticed new growth since I put the new light in. Right now I'm just practicing with some "dirt" seeds that a friend gave me. Want to get it right before I attempt growing good seeds.


Active Member
It's about 26' from the top of them right now, and it's a 400 watt. They are from seed and about 4 weeks now. Just saved them from some stress that i have no clue what it was. Very small plants at the moment but, that's why I'm here. any advice, suggestions, and info will help. The temp is around 70 and I can't give you the exact humidity. I don't have the equipment to check, yet.


Well-Known Member
start dropping your lights each day till you get down to 14-18 inches, they wont be small for long now that there under the hps!


Active Member
Typically you would use the MH for the vegging and HPS for the flower. 5000K-6500K is best for 80% of your light to come from during veg cycle and then 2700K for your 12/12 light cycle for the flowering, and it is best for 90% of you light to be in that spectrum if possible. Hope this helps keep us posted on your progress.


Active Member
Right now I have two rubbermaid tubs stacked for my grow box, I know it's hokie as it gets, so lowering the lights is kida hard at the moment. been looking for a new enclosure to build a large stealth box with. I have the setup pretty good though. Drip system, lights, fans, CO2 system. Put it all together yesterday and the plants are thriving now.


Active Member
Typically you would use the MH for the vegging and HPS for the flower. 5000K-6500K is best for 80% of your light to come from during veg cycle and then 2700K for your 12/12 light cycle for the flowering, and it is best for 90% of you light to be in that spectrum if possible. Hope this helps keep us posted on your progress.
I plan on using the MH when I get my permanent space setup in the shed. It's as bright as a street lamp and actually bigger so, putting it in my closet ain't going to work. Lol. I will use all the lights when the "real" growing happens. Thanks for all the advice, I'll try to get some pics up soon. Happy growing everyone!


agreed. i like CFLs cuz they give off less heat, but ultimately u'll be happier with higher quality lighting. because superior light = danknugz.

just get a super good fan.