CFL winter grow


Well-Known Member
day 1:seedling came out to say hi !
I sprouted it in the window and then put it under it's 42 watt cfl.theres 2 42 watt cfls in the grow space,side by side.I have the clone int there too.tomorrow will be day 7 I will post a new pic. :)



Well-Known Member
hello there little seedling... stay with us now.

thats awesome!!!!! it looks happy baby..... hehe =)



Well-Known Member
Stopping by to wish you luck, also please post a pic of that clone with the others you post tomorrow.

Best of luck to ya!


Well-Known Member
well heres some pics of day 7 and one of day6 and some pic of the clone I maid for stonerbean.I took them out of the closet in to a sunny window,I think i leave them in the sun for an hour or so. :)

p.s. the clone is from the purple plant,it has not grow at all yet but it is still clones sometimes get bad shock and take a long time to snap back?

thx for looking everyone! me and bean will be making the grow box soon,in a week or two I hope. :) more pics coming in 7 days stay tuned



Well-Known Member
when should i start adding fert?im going to use a weak solution of 24-8-16 miracle-gro.I should wait till like day 14 at least right?I just added one more light 23 watt cfl.


Well-Known Member
i dropped the seedling to harm done it didn't seem to notice....close call! :) can anyone answer my questions about the clone and the ferts? thx


Well-Known Member
heres some updates..its day 14,the last pic is both together right after i transplanted the seedling. :) there both doing good,the clone has new growth starting finally.



Well-Known Member
I transplanted the clone lots of roots :) now i got a mother plant of the purp!!!!!!!!!!!!note to self take more then one clone next time!!


Well-Known Member
well heres day 21 im starting to get impressed with the growth rate.It's got 4 nodes and its not even as tall as a pack of zig-zag's.the last picture is the clone it's also taking off.I gave them two feeds of 24-8-16 miracle-gro(it's mixed a bit weaker then packaging says) and i added one more clf.and there both out of the little tiny pots,and in ones a bit bigger.I want to try to keep these plants kinda small so when should I top it???like days or node number?I was thinking top it when the 5th node comes?? i don't know..any help would be appreciated. thx :)



Well-Known Member
i just added an other CFL,so in total theres 5 in there now.2 big 40 watters one 23 watt and two 13 watters.its what i had around the house,ill buy better ones when I get around to making the grow box.they are happy in the corner of the closet for now.I have a fan in there as well.I like to take them in to the direct sunlight as much as i can too,but if its cloudy they stay under the cfl's.ill put a pic up later!! :)