cfls/enviros are confusing

hi peeps
im having a nightmare trying to find out the difference between cfls and envirolites, im confused cos ive found envirolites that require a ballast, i thought they were basically the same thing. i have 250w cfls at present but have the chance to get some 250w envirolites and wondered if i can put them in the same reflector which houses 4 bulbs?(maybe stupid i know but im a noob)
any help from you guys would be appreciated


Well-Known Member
250w/4plants = not enough.

I would recommend what ever is the most efficient bulb.

Are you useing the standard spiral cfls, if so at what watt is each bulb, if not what specific bulb are you using?
sorry its not for pic below(not sure what ive done to get that there!ooops)
any way it is for 4 plants basically 1 square metre,i have 2 250w 8u 6400k cfl bulbs at present and have the chance to get 2 250w enviros,will i be able to put them all together and whats the dif between them?


Well-Known Member
If you have 250wcfls already the only reason I would buy more is for lower kelvin readings. If your light is made for growing switching to an envirolight will probably not do much if anything.

Edit- To actually answer your question

If the fixture can support like 1200 or more watts you can probably run those lights on it.
They will have the same socket type.

If you want to put 4 enviros in there you are kind of rediculus in my opinion, I would have gone 600 hps... maybe even x2
sorry for my stupidity but i dont know what kelvin readings are,ive obviously confused you ill try to explain better.
i want to use all of the bulb in 1 reflector, i wanted to know the dif between an envirolie and a cfl,surely my cfl is made for growing as its an E40 type screw fit and 6400k,well im really getting confused now.thx anyway


Well-Known Member
Maybe quality in the product that results in slight output differences..

A cfl is a cfl, an envirolite is a brand? You catching on yet? Buy what you want, if you can get 2700k lamps great they are better for flowering.
ok my reason for wanting 4 250w cfls/envirolite is i have two tents 1 for veg which i want cfls or enviros pref a mix, 2 of each as i have 2 nomal cfls and have the chance to get 2 enviros at a steal price, and i have another tent with 1000w hps for flowering. trying to bring cost down of my electric! whats the dif between the cfls/enviros