Ch 9 Jack freebee


Havent grown in atleast 5 yrs, trying brand new setup and see how it goes. Got some freebee seeds form SoS and figured that is good place as any to start.

Sticking with a Homedepot/Walmart only shopping list with prices to make it simple. Aswell sticking to all Miracle gro theme to keep stress/shock down from switching brands.

Germinating in small plastic cup under heat lamp with foil tape reflecting light so it just warms soil and keeps it dark.

5 Lights- 4 ecosmart 2700k CFL 1600 lumens each (6400 lumens total) for groth stages ($10)
Plus 1 3500k cfl 1500 lumens (7900 lumens total now) to help aid stem and branch growth. ($4)

2 18 gal sterilite tubs ($5 each), lined with a mylar emergency blanket ($3(but i have some old ones from 1st aid kits)) to reflect light and keep in heat. Used foil tape($ 8 to seal seams and duct tape on back to stick it to container.
Used some wood from garage to make a frame for my lights the size of the botom of tub (so it fits inside it). Placed 5 porcelain lights ($1.50 each) on it and covered wood with foil tape to refelect light. Wired all 5 lights togeather and attached a basic cord plug to it ($2) to plug in to a timer. ($5-15 new, i using old one)For flowering stage i will use 4 5000k daylight cfl 1600 lumens ($11) (6400 lumens total)
plus 1 3500 cfl 1500 lumens (7900) lumens total ($4)
Using Miracle gro seed starter soil ($2.75/ 1cu ft bag) to germinate and give the roots a little boost befor transplanting to main grow pots (8 in planter ($2/each) with a mix of Miracle gro flower and veg garden soil ($ 7.75/ 2 cu ft) and Mirical gro Perlite ($4).

Usiung Miracle gro All purpose plant food (24/8/16) ($5) and Miracle gro bloom booster flower food (15/30/15) ($5).

Tubs are about 24 in wide 18in deep 16in tall stacked on top each other (2.6 sq ft with 7900 lumens, only 3040 lumens/sq ft but its all contained and lined with reflective surface should be good). Hanging lights on a chain to keep it moble for plant hight. Adding a old fan to bottom of tub on side for air intake and a old sponge filter from fish filter over a hole in top for out going air(sponge filter should keep out all light but allow air to excape box).

Vegging plant so i can clone it maybe hermi it to get more seeds for future use. Using clones to grow crop in 2nd-3rd setups.

Total Cost start to finish so far less then $200 with seeds. 4 hrs of work time to set up.

Planing to use a old pond pump to make irrigation system for inside tubs in future for automated watering on a timer.

Pics will come as i get them as with aditional notes

BEcareful with power tools !!!

Guard dog BEWARE!!!!

Took some eye hole screw things and used 2 scred drivers to pull the opening apart a little. Drilled 1 hole on each corner of wood lighting frame and put 1 screw in each. 2 tubs put togeather is 30 inch of space top to bottom i cut some cheap #3 chain to go from one hook to other on lighting frame then a 2 other chains each 20 inch long to adjust lights up and down inside box. (30 inch hight minus 8 inch for lights and 2 inch for seedling pot= 20 inch)
attach the 20 inch chain in middle of 2 smaller chains that are hooked on lights. Use leftover wood and drill 2 holes threw it and the top (bottom of top tub) of setup to screw 2 hooks from inside threw tub in to wood for support. now the lights are adjustable for hight.

Using utility knife i cut a small X shape in to top of setup in a corner and pushed the cord plugs threw it and put mylar back in place. I cut the mylar so a small hole is open then used tape on outside to cover so i can use as a small peep hole to spy inside with out haveing to open it up. Put a small ($10) fan inside, using the same wood that holds lighting up i mounted a power strip on it so everything is secure.

Plugged everything in and put in my little Jack freebee with 4 daylights and 1 bright white cfls for growing stage and its good to go. Waiting to put in timer for lights untill seedling has popped its main leafs under 24hr lights. Then switching to 20/6.

Depending on smell durring flowering i might make a 3 story and put a small air purifier in and vent the clean air out to keep down smell. Maybe re-do the lighting frame so it dont move and just use pots to raise the plant up and down. The electrical worries me with the chains in there above it all lol.


Sorry for being kinda extensive on this, trying to explain how the set up is so anyone new (like me) to growing has easy time to build one. Without having to dig threw lots of posts and cans of beer to figgure it all out.


Hard to see how i redneck wired lights togeather with all the tape on it 4 saftey lol. Just took wires from one light to another then branched it to rest. Not up to code but it works lol.

Feel free to add any comments or questions or advice


Well-Known Member
Looking good! i myself got a free jack seed from sos! its the only one ive germinated(official grow room not setup.) Hopefully it will grow out to be a great mother! id like to see how yours turns out so maybe later we can compare. subscribed!

Juice box hero

Active Member
nice. i had a freebee jack as well but i didnt get to try it out due to my negligence while germing. i'd like to see what it could've been.


Figgured the freebies where the way to go for experimenting lol and Jack seems like a good plant to grow like this, short flower time, high yield, med size plant with a longer lasting buzz. Only down side is the taste but tasty plants come later lol. Hope to get a few clones going b4 i leave town to bring 2nd set up with me on vacation to cabin while they small. Didn't want to wait 6 weeks to start growing haha.

Will try posting pic every week of growth