chain store soil?


Active Member
Hello All,
I would like to buy some soil but I don't want to order any through the mail. Can anyone recommend a brand of soil that is available at a chain store like Lowes or Home Depot?


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Go with a promix (peat moss, perlite, vermiculite or limestone mix), with no added nutes. You can add your own and control it better. It is called "Promix" you get it can get everywhere. If you can, try to stay awy from Miracle Grow soils, it is hard to control the nutes with those, they do work though. Good luck. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
I'm using Miracle Gro Organic, the one that comes in the brown bag. I mixed it with a locally-produced organic potting soil with worm castings, but I've used it alone in my various container plants for years and it works just fine. If you want to get something really easy and pre-mixed at your local Home Depot or Lowe's, that's my recommendation.