Change lighting schedule on autos


Hello all,

I did search for this but couldnt find an answer.

Currently my girls are 18/6, they are 18 days old and are automatics.

I am going to be setting up my second tent tomorrow. Due to ducting issues (unavoidable unfortunately) I'll be having massive light leaks from the second tent which i plan on making a 24h lighting tent.

If i change the lighting schedule of my first tent, will it screw with my existing plants?

Having both tents on 18/6 is possible but id prefer them both to be 24h.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Tldr: i want to changr my autos lighting time from 18/6 to 24/0 will this fuck with shit?


Well-Known Member
It shouldn't be a problem. Autos aren't affected by light cycles. And even photos in veg wouldn't be messed up doing that.