Change resevior question

Hi my name is Eddie. I'm growing with BC products. I have a question about my resevoir. I've been taught to change it every 10 days. I have 25 plants on a 4x8 table and 100 gallon resevoir. My question, if anybody knows, can I just use my bc bloom and put my awesome blossom in thrive alive b1 and sugar daddy. I'm running my ppms at 1430-1510 and keeping my ph at 5.8 highest 6.0. I'm 30 gallons down now and ready for a resivoir change. Should I just swap it out or use dechlor? My friend I'm doing this with is in the hospital with a trach, running out of money and really could use some help. I have 30 gallons that is dechlorinated, can I just add that and adjust my ppms and ph? I don't want to mess it up, the money is going for his hospital bills. I appreciate any help.


Well-Known Member
Don't know about bc nutes but as a general rule if you're just topping the res and adjusting ppm's you should be fine. If your changing the nutes in the res for something else (from veg to flower nutes for example) then you should also change the res.


New Member
The problem I have had with complete rez changes is my PH tends to get out of whack for a day or so. I learned to just top off and correct. With that said though, I would regularly pull out about 5gallons per day, and replace with new stuff. Water changes are good, but to fight the PH stability issues I seem to face, I would basically only drain 5 gals out and top off with what I needed every other day or so.

Never had a problem.