changed your avatar recently?


Well-Known Member
I'm seeing a lot of unfamiliar faces attached to familiar names. Have I missed something, or is it like spring cleaning ... new face for summer?
Pinny used to have such lovely eyes and smile. And reemis had a mullet to envy. Ching looked malnourished in a mexican voodoo sorta way... I'm a little confuseded...
I'm seeing a lot of unfamiliar faces attached to familiar names. Have I missed something, or is it like spring cleaning ... new face for summer?
Pinny used to have such lovely eyes and smile. And reemis had a mullet to envy. Ching looked malnourished in a mexican voodoo sorta way... I'm a little confuseded...

but really I did cause Pinny da worm did it and he is my hero
I liked Pinnys ava too.
That was twisted.

With the new site it may be time for a change.
It's funny how we associate ones pix with the name.
It's true. When someone changes their avi it's as though they have a new face. Takes getting used to. Unless it's Pinny's old one. That was scary. I like the new one. Now i sleep better.
I was thinking of a change, I'm starting to get a rash.