changing 12/12 schedule


Well-Known Member
I've got some plants that are 2 weeks into flowering. Due to security reasons (people visiting) I want to change my 12/12 schedule a few times but obviously DO NOT want hermies.

Right now lights are on afternoon/evening and off in the night/morning. What is the best way to change the schedule? Keep the lights on for 24 hours one night and then back to 12/12? What if I keep the light on for 18 hours, and then back to 12/12 schedule? help, noob here

pow monster

Active Member
Don't change anything. Just make sure to make were your growing your plants light sealed. use garbage bags if you want.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but I got a new place and everyone wants a tour... some want to see the basement too (it's totally bare, except for my grow op) so I plan to put them in a closet for a little while.


Well-Known Member
my advice...........once you go 12/12 you dont want to go back to 18/6 unless you are an advanced grower. Just tell peeps the basement is off limits that it is mness and there are rats down there and an exterminator is coming. That will keep them out.

You dont want to shock those beauties so keep them there and just keep people out!

good luck


Well-Known Member
Tell them you got airbourne mold and fungus down there, that'll keep anybody who doesn't have a HAZMAT suit out.


Well-Known Member
tell em you just fogged it, no once can go down there, and if they come over again, say u had to fog it again, them damn spiders and crickets


Well-Known Member
well besides the telling them you Fogged it down there, can someone still answer his question? if he messes up his light schedule will it hermie or screw up his babies?


Well-Known Member
I recently got J-0-B, and changed my light schedules accordingly. The diff was only 2 hours, and my crop is still growing strong. If you must, I might suggest changing the lighting daily by an hour or two until you're on the preferred schedule. Probably wouldn't hurt if you do it gradually like that.


Well-Known Member
Like I said, it probably won't stress them into hermies if you change the light schedule gradually, e.g. lights on 9 am, off 9 pm, next day: lights on 8 am, off 8 pm, next day: lights on 7 am, off 7pm, get the idea. Adjust according to the schedule you need.


Well-Known Member
Elsewhere I was reading it's better to give them too much dark instead of a few hours of light, off for a few hours, and then on again for a few more hours... too much stress for the plants. If people come over and want to see my basement, I'll give them an extra long dark period and put them in a closet until the next scheduled 12/12 shift.

BTW, it's been over two weeks and I'm very lucky, I got two large females (one is almost 3 feet tall, and growing). Not bad from seed! So I'm gonna have some good big bud in other six weeks or so, just as long as I can hide it until then.