changing fertilizer


Active Member

i recentley put my plants on 12/12 cycle. with the change of hours i switched to blooming (biobizz) fert.

soon after i noticed the leaves started turning yellow. i tried using a mixture of grow and bloom fert (50%/50%) and it seemed to help.

should i continue doing this? should i change the ratio gradually towards the bloom fert?

could i be wrong and it has nothing to do with the fert?



Well-Known Member
just use one food if you can. water every other day and feed every other water.
try to wash/flush, then start again feeding evety 4 days start at 1/2 str. for the first week and add 1/4 a week till you gwt to full str.
how far on into12/12 are you, lites ect...?...


Well-Known Member
but depending how far on 12/12 you are the plants fan leafs start yellowing. any pics???. they always help.


Active Member
im 3 weeks into the 12/12 cycle, and i use 400W hps.

also, i didnt mention that - after in initial problem 3 weeks ago, i used 50/50 on the ferts and later i put it on 25/75 for the bloom fert. and in the last few days i tried bloom fert exclusivley and i think its starting again (the yellowing) thats why im writing this.

so what u guys r saying is that i shouldnt mix the ferts? (i will u/l pics in the next 12 hours) thanks.


Well-Known Member
repott or flush and just start off with 1/2 str. bloom and add a 1/4 more for two weeks until you get to the rec.dose it says on the bottle. water every 2/3 days,if you can wait. and feed every other water.
more food dont mean better plants, it will just fuck em up. i did it with my first grow. i had food building up on the stems and growing like scabs under every leaf. and also my biggest mistake , was not to put lots of holes in the bottom of my pots, and no pebbles in my soil. or 2" in the bottom of my pots.
try not to kill your plants with kindness.
be meaner, there like women. treat em mean ,and keep em keen. like my grandad would say.


Active Member
isnt it better to water a little bit every day?

what i did till now is water with small quantaties (around 300ml) every day and feed every other watering.

should i water less times with larger quantaties?