changing light intensity throughout the day


Well-Known Member
if ur replicating the suns schedule ur going to have highest light intesity mid day.... and iv heard people say add uvb durring mid day to replicate how they recieve it outside... so im wondering if you mess with when the plants reciebve the light they recieve if this would be a problem....

why im asking this is i have 2 1000w hps in the greenhouse.... i turn them on durring flower to compensate for the decreasing DLI... i don even want to run the hps at 50% for all 12 hours on day 1 of flower i think its too much of a light increase.... so ill start at the ballast on 50% till about ideally 10am if im aorund... then turn it back on at 3- 6pm.... eventually fill the whole day w the 50% ballast... then do the same w 75% down to 50% mid day and back up to 75% after work.. then 75% all day ect.... durring some of those times i think the plant is actually recieving more light in the moring and at night than it is durring mid day...

is this a problem... will this confuse the plants... or do they just think its a cloudy mid day
Try it and see thats the best way your gonna find out i think it wont be a problem unless you fuck up there photoperiod or something otherwise you probably wont be too bad id have thought
you are over thinking this STOP
turn the lights on leave for 30mins
return check temp gauge at leaf height adjust accordingly

you have more important shit to learn like CS even shudder Organics

good luck
If you want to simulate the sun buy the gavita controller. theres a mode on there where the first 5 - 30 mins makes it come on low and slowly ramps up. and will slowly ramp down at the last 5 - 30 mins before shut off.
you are over thinking this STOP
turn the lights on leave for 30mins
return check temp gauge at leaf height adjust accordingly

you have more important shit to learn like CS even shudder Organics

good luck

could u expand a little bit on the CS and shudder organics....

i would say im not over thinking the light.... im not sure how u can... the light starts the equation... if u want net pgotosythis... its like light x all other factors (limiting factors).... if uv built a good grow room its like a nice car.. not many limiting factors... but the light is how u hit the gas. thats going to dictate how everthing else goes... ... in fact.. Dr. bruce bugbee.. the guy NASA turn to to learn about how to grow stuff... would say "everything starts w the light"... iv never heard anyone call CS or shudder organics a cardinal parameter... but everyone has light as there number 1... and we basically got real data this past year for kinda the first time ( non manufactorer data i mean)...

Heres bugbees video... u dont got to watch the entire thing... the light stuffs int he first 10 minutes..


height and temp arnt related to ppfd nessesarily.... u would need to do the spec math or get a meter

my specific question was if its ok to have an a daily ppfd opposite to what they have in nature... a daily ppfd curve in nature is like a bell curve.. when people grow inside thee ppfd cruve is flate... the way my outdoor setup works is i can suppliment light in the am and the pm by running HPS.... the way the ppfd math works i cant run them mid day or they will be recieivng too high a ppfd from 10am-2pm... the way this works out they may actually be recieivng slighly more light in the am and pm hours... so my ppfd curve is like an M curve or something... i didnt know if this would confuse the plant.... it hasnt been a problem
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So the question is ‘do plants care about the curve of the daily ppfd curve?’ I think it’s a good idea what you are doing, it’s what I would do, to save $ use the sun, but supplement at dawn and dusk a little. The only issue is that you run start up of the light bulbs 2x extra each day, it could wear it out sooner?