Changing my 12/12 hours



Seeking some advice on changing the time I run my light. Currently I have some GDPK that has been flowering for about 3 weeks. I run my light from 6am to 6pm but want to change it to 6pm to 6am. Running in the night will help keep my closet warm through the night and cool through the day. Should I just leave them in the dark for 24hrs then start the light up at 6pm. Or should I cycle it by one hour later every day until I am at my desired start time. Any advice would help greatly.


Well-Known Member
They'll be just fine if you just leave them in the dark for 24 hours. Yes, you could be extra safe, and adjust slowly, but it isn't necessary.


Active Member
i got a question for you guys, what happens to the plant if the light cycles get messed up, for example the plant was growing at a window, then after a week it got moved to were there was cfl lights or whatever growing light for 24/0 then light cycle became 12/12, then now at 24/0 again. lol. my friend kinda did something like this and he doesnt know if that would affect the plant.


Thanks for the quick replies. I will follow your advice and leave them in the dark 24hrs then pick up the light cycle at 6pm.


Active Member
Any brite light will shock the plants. They say low levels of light no more than 12-15minutes, something brighter than moonlight. I use a small pen light and cover it with green maskin tape. That way i can see in my garden when the lights are off. They say green is the only color that the plants don't have a use for.


Active Member
Oh another thing, if you shock your plants to many times].....It will cause it to hermie, especially if it happens several times in a row in a short period of time. Sure enough a male flower will pop up somewhere, especially female seeds.