

Well-Known Member
I am not sure where I had heard this but I believe I read somewhere that if you put charcoal in the soil it will take away the smell of the plant during flowering..Is there anyone that can confirm this or that have heard the same thing?


nope it won't work......what you want to do is exhaust the air from your room through a carbon filter, that will eliminate the smell.....


Well-Known Member
Yea I know that will eliminate the smell and what not, but I was just wondering if this statement of the charcoal taking away the buds from producing a smell at all during flowering were true..


Yea I know that will eliminate the smell and what not, but I was just wondering if this statement of the charcoal taking away the buds from producing a smell at all during flowering were true..

I suppose the charcoal down in the soil might absorb some of the smell out of the air may be, but as far as preventing the plant from producing smell, no way..:peace::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i didnt know that. dont think most people would though. think the average guy would use regular charcol. would that be bad?


Well-Known Member
Ya I knew that it wouldnt be regular charcoal I knew it had too be horticulture..Maybe I will experiment with it and see, I mean even if the plant dies in the end I will just find out that it doesnt not work, but if it lives it may help the plant or even work..maybe I will find something that does kill the smell, I mean I love the smell of buds, but if you could grow a plant with no smell, it would be much easier to grow..