cheap and easy odor elimination?


Active Member
Aside from building an air tight box and having a carbon filter output, what's the next best thing?

Do any commercial air filters (like ionic breeze, etc) help? Baking soda? A combination? What are your successes and failures?


yeup, basically consists of a holey 5 gallon bucket, soil moist, ona, water, and a fan... 30 bucks total for materials i think is what he said... its also in the grow faq in the diy and save part i think... if you don't feel like finding videom


Well-Known Member
Aside from building an air tight box and having a carbon filter output, what's the next best thing?
There is no 'next' best thing.

The most efficient and effective odour removal is given by the right sized extraction fan hooked up to the correct size Carbon filter. This then performs the three roles of odour removal, temperature control and co2 exchange.

If you try and cut corners and do it cheaply, you'll get cheap results.


Well-Known Member
Ozone Generators are good too, but at the same time they still carry a heavy price tag. If you are looking for a cheap way then Videoman's does work, but as babygro said If you do it cheaply you will get cheap results. i.e. The room will still smell a bit like cannabis, but it's better than nothing.


Well-Known Member
$90 bucks for me to put together a 110 cfm rated carbon filter, 80 cfm fan (depot), and duct work.


Well-Known Member
$90 bucks for me to put together a 110 cfm rated carbon filter, 80 cfm fan (depot), and duct work.
You can't seriously grow Canna indoors in closets or 'grow drobes' without an appropriate and effective inline fan/carbon filter setup.

Anyone who thinks they can is dreaming or deluded.

People have done it and will continue to do it however, but that isn't to say they're maximising their returns in any way shape or form.


Well-Known Member
Throw in another $30 bucks and the heat is going through the roof. I have it venting out the top of the house. The big problem I see with the Videoman cheap odor eliminator is the transfer of air.


Well-Known Member
Throw in another $30 bucks and the heat is going through the roof. Don't have it venting out the top of the house. The big problem I see with the Videoman cheap odor eliminator is the transfer of air.
The biggest problem with any stand alone odour removal system is that, that's all it does. What about the temperature control of the grow area and co2 exchange?

By the time you've got those other two things sorted, it would have been just as economic to put in the correct cfm fan and carbon filter.

That's what I use and I simply use air freshners on a timer system to mask any other smells that may linger around.

Downstairs in my house you can't smell a thing apart from the air freshner.


Well-Known Member
My bad...I said "I don't have it venting". When in fact I do have it venting through the roof. That's skill. Flashed and all DIY.


Active Member
Yeah, I don't care about maximizing results, I care about removing smell.

Maybe when I have more time and a plant that doesn't look like Godzilla I'll build a box with a fan and all that fancy crap.

I wasn't able to procure the required things VM's system requires, but I got some febreeze and baking soda and hopefully I can make inroads with the same type of setup. We'll know if it works soon...


Well-Known Member
BUY SOME NAG and keep it burning all the time. Insence is the best odor hider. Keep one going at al times.
I'm sorry..but that is a BAD idea. smoke can hurt your plants, that's why it is NEVER recommended to smoke in your grow room. Many harmful chemicals are released when incense is burned.