Cheap and simple watering system


Active Member
Hey guys can anybody recommend me a cheap and simple watering system? Every couple days I take them out and water in the bathtub, which I think is stressing them. All advice appreciated.

If its just a pain to get to back ones get a watering can and afix some semi rigid pipe like 1/2" pex making a long spout... doesnt look like urvset up is big enough to build an automated system for, mine is of similiar size.

One thing i do in flower room is i have 2 gallon square jugs affixed to wall in my work area outside the room and some 5/8" flexible line to a watering halo on each, with a stop valve. I mix em up turn valve on, job done. Closest i see to automated i need. The hoses to halos works nice in flower when it gets a bit full in the room.... i dont like wasting light lighting up a bare floor ;)

Get a bucket/container that will hold enough water to water your girls a cheap harbor freight fish pond pump 8$ then buy a length of cheap irrigation hose that can reach into your furthest plant ......attatch that hose to the pump and the other end onto a 4 ft piece of bamboo or a stick with tape ......use the wood as a handle/wand to hold while you water each plant .....that will save on your back .......nice thing is, you can mix nutes in your bucket/container in feed days .....and just water on your regular watering days .....very cheap and easy ......GL
thanks for the suggestions guys. the back watering IS what was becoming a problem. also i raised the pots to avoid waterlogging the bottom, but it was a pain trying to collect all the runoff water.
I like indicouches suggestion, its similiar to my set up. Only difference is if you can mount it right u can use gravity not a pump... both would work, i like the simplicity of gravity fed...
You can just get saucers for the underneath about a foot in diameter cost $0.86 at my hydro store so just put those under and when runoff collected pick em up a tad take em out n pour it into a bucket and you can tet the water or do whatever with it or to avoid water logging it go to the dollar store and pick up a small platic bin with holes in it that sits ur plants about 2" off the saucer