Cheap Bluelab PH Pens Here

Lol ya I bought some stuff before that seemed sketchy and to good to be true but thankfully checked out at warranty registration
Probably spoils from those looted trains.

I think they are either old stock or refurbished. The little sponge thing stuck to the bulb when I pulled it out. The bulb also was fully hydrated, but I can't remember if that's normal or not. It calibrated fine and seems accurate, so whatever. Someone's loss, my gain for hopefully long enough to get my money's worth.
I mean it works and it was cheap. It doesn’t have any sort of wear and tear that I can see and the bulb is clean. So it’s probably reconditioned. If it last half a year it was worth it really. Bluelab pens are expensive right now. This was a bad time to need one.

I’m also in the middle of buying a ton of new equipment, including a nice par meter and a pricey automated watering system. My last pen of 6 years died right after buying the par meter, so whatever. It was a gamble and we’ll see if it pays off or not. So far so good.
That would be my guess too, bought out from somewhere that closed shop, old stock, etc. If the bulb was wet and it calibrates it's probably good to go but calling BlueLab would be smart too. Plus if there IS something shady going on, give them a clue so they can shut it down.
I tried to contact them but apparently my @GoogleMail address is invalid, if they posted to the UK I'd buy one at that price.

I don't need one atm but its one of them things I know I'll need to replace at some point.