cheap but effective cloning, check it out.


Active Member
hi fellow gardeners and smokers, i recently built myself a bigger grow room than ive ever had and needed a larger supply of clones. after a couple failed attempts with little success (20 on 72 two times) i almost built an aerocloner, i loved the idea of 5-8 days and they clones were ready, anyways, after research here and other sites on the net i decided to try again and it worked great, i have roots on 210 out of 216 clones cut after 13 days!

i have a spear room with a wooden closet in it with a perfect top shelf, a little over 4 feet wide so i slide in 4 four foot neon tubes, nothing special.

i bought 3 jiffy propagation kits, they come with the tray, jiffy holder tray, humidity dome, and 72 jiffies per kit.

1-i used NO-DAMP by plant prod, rhizotonic by canna, and RO water to soak the jiffy's.
2-i squeezed most of the solution out after the jiffies where fully expanded, to leave them moist but not dripping wet.
3-i used a chop stick to open up holes for the clones. and placed them close to me in the upside down humity dome.
4- i clean up my wotk station (kitchen table) place everything i need close by.
single edge razor blades, rooting gel, and the trays with the jiffy holders.
5- i put some rooting gel on a plate and wet both sides of my blade before i cut the clone so it instantly seals the wound
6- i trim off the lower branches and cut all leaves in half to slow transpiration.
7- dip the clone 1/8 of an inch into the rooting gel. ( deeper and the clones root for longer cause of to many hormones)
8-pack the jiffy tightly around the stem of the clone and put it in front of you.
9- cut 5 more and then place them by 6 into the humidity dome covered tray to avoid wilting but if they do dont worry.
10- after you have full trays or as many as you need, place them under the lights.
11- remove you dome at least twice daily for 15 minutes to let in fresh air. wipe away all condensation off the covers when you do.
12- after 3 days poke holes in the humidity dome like 6-10.
13- check the jiffys by looking for a lighter colouring which means they need a light misting of rhizotonic and water. do this without disturbing the clones
14- poke more and more holes in the dome to bring the humidty down by about 5% daily or by leaving the domes off a little longer each day. while still keeping excess condensation out of their habitat.
15- after 10-14 days you should see little roots popping out everywhere.

i used an incandensent light under the trays to add a more consistant soil temp and the neons above with the domes keep the air temps steady,.

i found that clones 3-4 inches long rooted quicker and stronger and 2 inch tall cuttings, but within 2 days they had cought up.

as you can see my setup is nothing special. an old closet converted into a cheap ass clone room.

the products i used this time made the difference thou. the canna rhizotonic is a root stimulator and is made up of marine extacts that are instantly absorbable, and the NO-DAMP stops the dampening off that offen kills seedlings and cuttings,

dont forget to coat you razor blade in rooting gel before each cutting to avoid embolizams(spelling) and to remove all excess condensation off humidity domes offen. do not play with the clones or be inpatient and they will root..

i got 210 out of 216 cuttings and this is only my 4th time cloning and 1st big batch normally i cut 72 to try for 50, but not anymore..

i got most of this info here on roolitup and from the indoor marijuana bible by jorge cervants,

ill be back later peace

