Cheap net pot cover


Well-Known Member
So after about 10 years of growing in soil I recently decided to try my first hydro grow with a DWC bucket. The first plant I setup I used a lid that had the net pot built into it. I decided that for my growing style it actually made more sense to just cut a hole in the bucket and drop the net pot it. This would let me easily let me move the net pot without having to move the entire lid.

After I got things setup it looked like this.
Pre Shield 7-27-2014 10-04-25 PM.JPG
I really want to eliminate any place where light can leak into the bucket and was thinking of how to cover the clay pebbles. Then I realized I still had the disc from when I cut the hole in the lid.
Disc 7-27-2014 10-14-14 PM.JPG
Quick run with the holesaw gave me this
Disc with hole 7-27-2014 10-15-11 PM.JPG
Then used a knife to cut a slit in one side
Slit 7-27-2014 10-16-51 PM.JPG
Back to the plant and I found the disc to be a perfect fit.
Disc in place 7-27-2014 10-10-00 PM.JPG


Well-Known Member
I use only 2" net pots with collars and pending which strain each will be 3-5' tall and yield between 2-4oz each and never worry about support.


Well-Known Member
I use only 2" net pots with collars and pending which strain each will be 3-5' tall and yield between 2-4oz each and never worry about support.
I may try that later. This is my first hydro gro and I've already reworked things completely once. :)