Cheap & Simple Growroom/Home Automation! U,K


Active Member
I'm looking into growroom automation AND security with home automation as a sideline - all using one system attached to the PC's serial port - or USB maybe.

I got the inspiration from Growtronix - A system which is very similar to the one I'm going to build.

It will consist of a number of sensors and switches (temperature, humidity, solar intensity, window & door contact switches, PIR motion sensors and eventually pH and CF, maybe dissolved oxygen content sensors too). Each of these 'modules' can be connected in any standard network topology (daisychain, star etc.) simply by connecting them with Cat5 network cable. The cable will need a bit of rewiring so it's easier if I make my own.

I will write the software - I'm no programmer but have some limited experience and have been assured by various sources that the programming shouldn't be too difficult to get to grips with.

I will be using a low spec PC to run the software to test it's capabilities on a slow machine. It is connected to the PC via a small serial to RJ45 connector or using a master hub with multiple RJ45 channels.

The PC (The Master) will continuously monitor whatever sensors or switches are attached to the system and use a number of relays to control various aspects of the growroom. For instance, high temp switches on fans, low temp switches on a heater, lights can be controlled by the PC rather than those temperamental mechanical timers, window,door and motion sensors could send SMS message when activated, flood sensors could do the same. Couple these with a couple of webcams and a seure server and you can do it all. I also hope to produce a module that can sense the temperature, humidity and solar intensity all in one.

I hope to have all the parts necessary to start building the system this week and would like some input as the project progresses. Also, I hope to be able to manufacture these devices once I have sorted out any bugs and have everything working perfectly. It would seem to have a demand - especially if they're cheap enough! I reckon I could sell them for around £20-£40 per device. You could have a whole system measuring temp, humidity & solar in two zones with a couple of other sensors for just a couple hundred quid - including a crappy old PC!

Anyway, I'll shut up now
I've always thought growtronix was pretty cool, good luck, I will be following this if you follow through.
it sounds like a great idea... but it may take a long time and alot of trial and error but good luck i would like to see the prototype
Welcome to the site!
As a computer geek - this sounds very, very doable. oddly, one of the things i really enjoy about growing is it kind of gets me away from all the high-techy stuff.
I had this same idea of automated growing, but I didn't have money for all of the sensors needed.

I would love to help you with this if it is needed.