Cheap ways to cool your grow room?


So, it's going to be upwards of 95 today. I'm worried about the ladies, I don't want them to overheat!! I don't have money to buy an air conditioner for the room right now, so I am wondering who out there has some creative ideas for me on how to cool my room? My sister suggested buckets with ice behind my fans, I might try that out to help.

All suggestions both welcome and appreciated!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i used to worry about the heat but not any more!! my loft where i grow has been hovering around the 95-100 mark for about 8 weeks and a few days has been around 106 and my plants have been loving it!!! i expect it depends what strains they are aswell though as some can handle the heat better then others.

but to answer your question more air in and more air out and it depends how cheap you were thinking as here in the uk you can get toilet extraction fans for around £10 gbp which would do the job fine


Well-Known Member
Something I do when I grow in the summer is use the night time for lights on and have them go off about mid morning, before it gets too hot. I run 9 pm to 9 am and pull in cool fresh air at darkness. When my lights go off I stop pulling in air from outside and switch to venting air to the outside. This pulls air from the cool house and under the house through my grow room to the outside. I hope that helps a little.


Well-Known Member
My lights run from 7:53pm to 7:53am to help with heat,
the best advice I can give you for the future is to plan ahead next time and try to think of simple things like this before your knee deep in trouble. Good luck with keeping things cool.... invest research invest research invest, to do it right.


Well-Known Member
Everybody makes a huge deal about temp. It reaches 120F by the equator and that's where some of the best strains in the world grow. My box runs 90 degrees all the time and my plants have never shown stress.


Well-Known Member
pump up the circulation and u could freez 2L bottles and put em by ur fans like u said, raise your lights too poss


do what i a cool mist humidifier from walmart....runs bout 30 bux......get a small fan with good flow.....put cold water in the humidifier and it almost acts as an AC and will also raise your humidity.......the good cool mist humidifiers (crane) will shoot mist out the top and u can direct that cold air with a fan.....which you can aim at your light.....this will drop temps about 5 degrees depending on your grow space.


Well-Known Member
Everybody makes a huge deal about temp. It reaches 120F by the equator and that's where some of the best strains in the world grow. My box runs 90 degrees all the time and my plants have never shown stress.
Thats not the same. Outdoor the roots can streatch very far down into the earth to cool themselves. indoor they cannot


Well-Known Member
High heat can cause stretching, foxtailing, and poor tricomb production. Like the one guy said, run the lights through the night and if you can leave the door open to get more ventelation or use the ac in your house. You can always duct ac from a home ac unit into your grow if you got construction skillz. Raise the lights up higher maybe. Best idea would be to get an ac off of craigs list :):):)