Cheapest and Easiest Cloning Method - Bubbleponics


Active Member
Don't waste time on a pricey/complicated aeroponics system when you can make an easy bubble-cloner machine for mere dollars.

Materials needed:
1 x lightproof bucket or container with tight fitting lid (free if you recycle an old container)
1 x air pump, tubing and air stones (bigger bucket will need a bigger airpump)
Material for plugs to hold clones. (Suggested materials - Garden kneeling pad from the dollar shop, flat foam packing material, pool noodles, or plain old packing styrofoam even works if you can't get anything else)

Tools needed:
Drill or knife/scissors.
Holesaw and regular bits.

Use your largest diameter holesaw to drill the plugging material (i used a garden kneeling pad from the dollar shop), next take one size smaller holesaw and drill holes in the bucket lid. Use scissors to cut to the centre of the foam plugs, you can file the middle out slightly so the stems fit. You should be able to squash the material slightly to fit the plugs into the bucket holes. (they should look like pac-men if you pull them slightly open)

Alternate method if you have no holesaw/drill - Use scissors or a knife to cut plugs out, make sure the plug is slightly larger than the hole so it fits in snug.

Finally drill or cut hole(s) in the lid for the airtubing.

Make sure you fill the container so the clones are sitting in water or close to the top
Take cuttings and place in plugs, take plugs and fit in container top.
Always have the airpump running, this is important, also the roots will happily live in water 24/7 and should be a bright white color, roots should appear within 5 to 7 days, or as long as 2 weeks with some strains.
Do NOT cover the clones in any enclosure (ie - humidity domes etc). Don't mist them either, they should be happy with their stems in the water (they should not droop).

Other cloning methods take way longer, this is the quickest, easiest cheapest way i've found. You can take the clone from the cloner and put it in any medium.

Also, just something i've noticed in other odd aeroponic systems and guides suggesting to use all sorts of stuff in the water (like rooting hormone, vitamins etc) even PH'ing it. Easiest way is to use plain old water, i use tap water with nothing else and it works fine (just run the airstones overnight to clear out any chlorine ). From what i remember all of those rooting gels and powders are to keep bacteria out of the area roots want to grow from (ie - the stem). It's funny seeing guides and videos of people dunking them in gels and stuff, only to put them directly into a system that washes it off.
When taking clones just put them in water, you don't need that other stuff if you are using a bubbler.

Happy cloning!
This is so true I am rooting a rockwool cutting of a flowering male bud outside in 110 degree weather...
It is doing just fine...