check out my root rot infested crop


Active Member
hey there. just thought i'd show u all my root rot infested crop. it had me stumped why my plants began dying. i posted a thread but no one could help me. i didn't think i could get root rot because i use perlite. then i realised i hadn't sterilised my pots from another crop when i used rockwool. the rockwool got too wet while i was on holidays and i came back to a yellow, wilting, saturated mess. i have treated with h202 and fungicide but i think i'll have to write it off and start again. could anyone tell me if and when growth may start back. they are 4 weeks into bud but stopped growing 2 weeks ago. let this be a lesson to all. sterilise your pots and keep your reservoir cool. i usually get over 6 pound from this room so my ignorance has cost me a fortune. if anyone else has some pics of their root rot infested crop could they please post them just so i know my diagnosis is correct and to also show a few examples so others may diagnose their problems.



Active Member
I too just went through some bad root rot which onset early on in flowering. I've been nursing the plant along under my 600watt hps and even been supplementing with uvb. Of course yields will be reduced, but a badly infested crop can usually still live with proper care. I'm now about a week away from chopping and my afgooey still produced some insanely dense buds covered in resin.
Here is what I recommend, add some type of beneficial bacteria (GH subculture AN piranha/tarantula) to your soil for the next few waterings, starting with a strong first dose. Also, give them some superthrive for a bit to help against stress.
good luck, root rot sucks!


Active Member
get some hydrogen peroxide on the roots.

alot of it, douse the rocks the pot everything.

repeated flushing, h202 h20, etc etc.

if theres any healthy root left the h202 will kill the rot, and you may be able to recover them.