check out my setup! =D


Well-Known Member
its a super secret veggy or may be a 12/12 flower from seed i think....regarding of green life question, its some kind of weed or... something o_O


Well-Known Member
nice set up man, you could tape some white paper up on the walls or paint them white to make the light more efficient. You can create "light saturation" this way and will get a much larger yield.


Well-Known Member
Very stealth. I would paint the walls a flat white to get some reflection going on in your grow. Not sure what the hell two of those plants are, lol.


Well-Known Member
Yep as everyone said those two plants on the right are not marijuana, he was pulling your leg with these. Cfl's work and last longer when placed horizontal not vertical like you have there, the heat rises up into the ballsats and burns em out quicker but it is a small matter and of little concern. Peace