Check out this feeding chart

I was thinking of using this chart but with only grow,bloom and cal/mag what do you guys think? Give me your ideas And ill be using coco. Thanks- mike



Well-Known Member
get rid of the chart, feed them what they need, not what the chart 'says' they need :)
get rid of the chart, feed them what they need, not what the chart 'says' they need :)
Yeah, I would if I knew what I was doing I always over or under do it I just need something to guide me so I don't mess up my plants until I can get a hang of things
It always starts out as a cal/mag deficiency. And by that time I have no ideal how much I should be using so it gets alot worse by the time I get it fixed then the biggest part if the fan leaves are ruined really bums me out cause I'm yet to grow a nice healthy green plant that still has some of her fan leaves by the end :(.


Well-Known Member
i use canna A+B the whole way thru flower, not changing to a 'bloom' feed, but just adding a little 'booster' and keeping the 'N' at a good level all way thru, only time i got yellow fans durig flowering was when switching to these bloom feeds with low nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
also, it says 'simple science' on that chart, dont look that simple to me lol, canna A+B at half strengh thru veg, maybe 3/4 strengh to full (if they need it) thru flower, adding the boosters (overdrive and bud xl) <these can be any 'booster' you choose, canna has cal/mag in it, but if you struggle, add a little epsom salts and calcium tablets...