Check this monster out


Well-Known Member
Hey whats up guys. been growing this thing for awhile just using cfl's. Its been in flower since 4/20. I just ordered a 150w hps last night and expect it in the next week. what effect do you think it will have since it started with cfl's and there isnt much time left . Im hoping for a boost of growth and density but i dont know. Let me know what you guys think ill keep pictures updated



Well-Known Member
the hps will give it a nice growth boost, but since you've already got the cfl's in place you should keep using them too. the more light the more yield.


Well-Known Member
yeah i would say keep using the CFL'S put them around the plant so the edges of the plant get mor light assuming ur gunna put the HPS on top


Well-Known Member
yeah the hps going on the top and im probably gonna keep 4 of the 6 cfl's on the sides probable 2 daylight and two 2600k. I just added nutes and molasses hope it helps


Well-Known Member
thats is crazy bud shot of your roomates:-) but your plant is a looker too man, I think in the end its gonna surprise ya;-) GL


Well-Known Member
you better buy hps 400w! the results will be much better than 150whps,or powerless cfl's! ya cann see the ressult of 600w hps+400w hps=1000w:mrgreen::joint:HPS SYLVANIA GRO-LUX

pics: Lowryder#2 Joint Dr.seeds


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Well-Known Member
im gonna buy a 400w down the road its just not possible for me to control the heat from it where im at. And this is my last grow for now so I didnt want to drop the 100 dollars for 30days


Well-Known Member
ok got the 150w hps today wired it up and tested it out. I have it set about 12 inches from my plants. The lights are off now and I have to go to work I hope the place doesnt burn down when they come on... I left 3 of the 6 cfl's on for now I plan on putting another one on when I can see. PICTURES LATER


Well-Known Member
shit guys help me out I just got home and my baby is messed up i dunno if its the distance i have the light or just the heat in my closet...I had it at about 12 inches and now its about 18 any ideas ??


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Well-Known Member
Yeah I would say too much heat, I think a foot and a half to two feet, especially since you are just adding it to them. Move it far away then work it in maybe, they don't look that f-ed up, imagine if you got home to extra tasty crispy!


Well-Known Member
it is most definitely heat. i would say 2-3 feet because those look pretty rough compared to the other pictures.


Well-Known Member
yeah I had the door closed on them i wont be doing that again I would bet it got around 90+ in there but after moving the light up from 12 inches to 18 and moving my fan upwards the temp at the tops its 82.5 and holding and about 79 around the edges of the plant . There isnt much else I can do other than that you's think it will be ok........On another note the buds remained unharmed no dried pistils nothing and they are looking nice and fat after the molasses and nutes I gave it.