Checking the grow daily.


Well-Known Member
Im kinda getting tired of going in and out of my space every day. There is a small process to get in there so its well hidden to my kids.

Do i have to check every day? Im comfortable with my light positions and the plant is done growing vertcally.

Im basicly just waiting on my buds to mature now.


Active Member
you never have to check them but when you have a problem you want to catch it early. once my seedlings get to the point when im not worried about them ill go in every 2-3 days and have left it for 2 weeks when i went down south


Well-Known Member
after the first cpl of weeks and your sure everything is fine; temps etc, you should know how often you need to feed and trust your timers workin ok then just leave them in peace. ive two grows on the go right now, one in my own house and 1 in a mates. im only up at my mates every 3 days but im in and out of my own every 3 fuckin hours, its just 'growers paranoia' , most of us suffer from it, usually at the beginning.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
That's why i settled with DWC. Meant i only had to check them once a week come res change, other than that i just ignored em.


Well-Known Member
As long as your grow is safe you can let it go every few days. May be overkill but I use GFI, a surge protector, smoke alarm, mini fire extinguiser, and these fire stops just in case. Your house burning down isnt worth it.