Checkkk thisss ! (:

This is my other wakiki queen !
bigger, and under a 1000 watt..
all the leaves at the bottem are yellow. cant see very well. but the bottem is yellow.
and whats going on with the leave? is that nutrient burn ???



Well-Known Member
i check mine with a ph tester. a crucial piece of equipment. you're not making this any easier. i would maybe work some dolomite lime, available at garden centers, into the top of my soil, and water it in. a tbs. about. but this is guess-work without a ph. what soil are you in; does it have lime in it?


Well-Known Member
Or u just buy litmus paper to test ur PH levels although that won't give you as accurate a calculation as a digital meter would but it would give u a basic idea where ur PH levels are at, and its probably cheaper than a digital PH meter