Cheeky Apartment grow #1


Hey guys,

I'v had a little something in the works for about 4 or so weeks now. It was off to a pretty rough start due to lack of planning and knowledge (will get to that part later) but we are at two weeks of some steady growth now and my venture is taking shape.

I have just picked up a semi-decent camera and basically wanted to share what we have going here with everyone on RIU and listen to/share opinions and information.

Unfortunately I only have images of the plants for now, but Il get in to the specifics if people are interested.

These are all Purps seeds but I don't know what type of Purple.

Plant 1: I call her the palm tree:eyesmoke: purely because it looks like a palm. And yea, a little bit of LST.

Plant 2:




RIU Bulldog
LIke the thread name. Reminds me of a british stripper I dated. She used to call me a "cheeky monkey." Idk what she meant, but it was cute.

Your plants look they're taking right off. I like you hangman crutch. lol


LIke the thread name. Reminds me of a british stripper I dated. She used to call me a "cheeky monkey." Idk what she meant, but it was cute.

Your plants look they're taking right off. I like you hangman crutch. lol
Haha nice. I thought it was appropriate considering the grow situation. I was looking at one of your grows last night actually man, good shit. If mine are half as good for this first grow I will be stoked.


Active Member
Nice job with the LST. I'm in a very similar situation, when I set up my Hempy bucket grow I was far less knowledgeable about cultivation than I am now. Going to be setting up a DWC ScrOG pretty soon here. Anyways, I'll be checking this out as it comes along.


nice canw e see pics of set up + rep
Will get on to some pics of the space for you. It's nothing too flash as it has been built on a tight budget but it seems to be working. Large wardrobe with a sectioned off inner box for better circulation and a couple fans. This currently has mylar floor and sides, we are soon to get on to the back and some sort of door for the front. As the title suggests we are growing in an apartment building and unfortunately the only ventilation I get through my room is from a skylight but it seems to be ok for now. Oh and we are growing under a single 400w HPS. We did purchase a 600w looking to use that in the beginning but it was just too hot. Turned my room in to a bake oven haha. Nothing worse than trying to sleep in that heat.


Well-Known Member
do u have a fan on the plant? if not id put one on it and if u put the light above it opposite of the bend the plant will force itself to lean in that direction to strengthen up that stem faster edit ;;i just re-looked at pics cause of last guys post and i thought u needed those zips to hold it up....personaly i wouldnt be putting it threw anymore stress than its already gone threw at that early an age just my opinion


Sciεncε;5624399 said:
Nice job with the LST. I'm in a very similar situation, when I set up my Hempy bucket grow I was far less knowledgeable about cultivation than I am now. Going to be setting up a DWC ScrOG pretty soon here. Anyways, I'll be checking this out as it comes along.
Yea since we started this grow I have learnt a lot, these forums are very helpful. You need that little bit of trial and error to really get in touch with your plants though lol. I really like the yield diffrence I'v seen from LST so I had to try it and begin to understand how it works. Haha I also thought that plant could look quite funny if it was real bushy now, it's all ready quite stretched. Hence Palm tree.


do u have a fan on the plant? if not id put one on it and if u put the light above it opposite of the bend the plant will force itself to lean in that direction to strengthen up that stem faster edit ;;i just re-looked at pics cause of last guys post and i thought u needed those zips to hold it up....personaly i wouldnt be putting it threw anymore stress than its already gone threw at that early an age just my opinion
Yea we have a fan on the plants, why do you ask? The stem on that plant is already well sturdy enough to support it, even though it doesn't look it but repositioning it opposite the light is a good idea, ill do that.


Well-Known Member
no i was thinking u had those zip ties to hold that plant up i was wondering why u had them cause that stem does look strong enough but i understand what u got them there for i missed some of your post at first anyways GOOD LUCK


RIU Bulldog
Thanks for the compliments COE.
I wrote a big long reply about watching fertilizer strength and pH to get the best harvest possible but I lost it when the page reloaded...or something...
I'll try to remember what I wrote (damn stoner short-term memory), basically I was saying that soil is forgiving with nutrients, and that it's hard to burn your plants with organic nutrients (bat guano, earthworm castings, garden lime, mushroom compost or even bottled organics like Adv. Nutes Iguana Juice or Mother Earth Tea) than it is with chemical nutrients.
Thing is, by the time plants show deficiencies, they have already been stressing for days. After you remedy a deficiency or toxicity, it usually takes a week for growth to resume at normal speed. A significant amount of time in a plants life!
The best way to stay on top of this is with a ph & ppm meter. Good luck.


no i was thinking u had those zip ties to hold that plant up i was wondering why u had them cause that stem does look strong enough but i understand what u got them there for i missed some of your post at first anyways GOOD LUCK
Thanks dude, hopefully she gets started on another big cola for me nice and early.


Thanks for the compliments COE.
I wrote a big long reply about watching fertilizer strength and pH to get the best harvest possible but I lost it when the page reloaded...or something...
I'll try to remember what I wrote (damn stoner short-term memory), basically I was saying that soil is forgiving with nutrients, and that it's hard to burn your plants with organic nutrients (bat guano, earthworm castings, garden lime, mushroom compost or even bottled organics like Adv. Nutes Iguana Juice or Mother Earth Tea) than it is with chemical nutrients.
Thing is, by the time plants show deficiencies, they have already been stressing for days. After you remedy a deficiency or toxicity, it usually takes a week for growth to resume at normal speed. A significant amount of time in a plants life!
The best way to stay on top of this is with a ph & ppm meter. Good luck.
Yea I really do need to sort out a pH meter. I would like that extra bit of control so that I can still have my plants in the best condition even if it is a little hotter than normal. I was kinda hoping that purps would be a warmer climate plant but I guess when your growing them indoors and don't know the specific strain it can be hard to tell.


RIU Bulldog
Definitely. I don't even feed my plants anymore without pH and ppm testing them.
Ppm meters are great. Most fert bottles have instructions on them that are kind of hard to follow.
Either they're in the wrong system of measurement (metric or retarded), or they use a stupid standard like
With the ppm meter you can make you water as strong as you want it to be with out the guess work. It very nice.
It makes taking care of plants with fickle nute requirements that much easier to baby. And the ph meter makes sure
your not spending all that money on expensive nutes for no reason. Never leave home without them.


So just a quick update for now. We sealed the cab up a bit last night and had a pretty decent exhaust fan running, however i think we are going to need some better, and cooler intake as it looks like the plants received sme high heat. Got some serious margin curling.

Not happy!

But ohwell iv given them some vicious spray watering to so hopefully i can sus something out to stop it getting any worse.


Well we have managed to get the temperature under control finally. It has been a long time coming. We were able to get some sustained growth through the night and the margin curly has subsided a little but of cause I'm not expecting it to disappear any time soon. So yea everything was going well until about half an hour ago when I was adjust the position of the ties on the lst and correcting the angle on the plant. I managed to snap off the main cola at I think it's second lowest node. You know that feeling you get when you harm your beauties like that, it hurts inside haha. But again I'm looking to the future as the plant has shown some dominant growth at another three nodes. Here's to three colas!

Sorry I'v been slack with pictures and such, I will get on to posting some tomorrow evening after we do some work to the space. Peace.


Right so we have pretty much have the cab sealed now and are getting some good constant airflow. The plants are already showing much improvement. I have started foliar feeding them with some light fertilizer (Watkins Bounty N.10 P.3 K.7) It's an organic fert based on Kelp and a Humus extract. It seems to be doing the job nicely. Here are some pics for you, sorry they are not very good but I will get on to some better ones when I have time.

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This is now the 3rd week of veg. I'm thinking ill probably go another week or maybe two. What do you think? I want to give the LST plant a little more time to catch up since i snapped the top off. Although it looks like it has at least four good tops on the grow.

Peace guys.


Got a bit stoned and decided to take some pics of my two favorite plants. they're making a nice improvement and I'm thinking maybe another week vegetative be changing the cycle. This is assuming I continue to see the steady growth through the week. Any how thought I would share these with you.

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Well it hurts to say but, the plants are dead. In my enthusiasm I over watered and the plants were taken very quickly. Within roughly a 10 hour gap the plants had wilted considerably. I was unable to find any way of saving them and by the sounds of things there is no way of undoing the damage so things are back to square one. Better luck next time.
