Cheese Help!


Well-Known Member
20141202_123259.jpg 20141202_123134.jpg 20141202_123310.jpg 20141202_124359.jpg 20141202_145407.jpg Hey guys so long story short I have 7 Kush clones and one Cheese clone going. They are just over 6 weeks old into flower. The Cheese strain is from greenhouse and the Kush is a bagseed. Greenhouse says 8 weeks flower time at 800 grams/m2. Well the Kush seems to be right on schedule with its aging, the Cheese on the other hand looks to be a week or two behind. It has not fattend up like the kush nor have the hairs shown any signs of aging (actually they JUST started to turn red like mayb 5 hairs on the entire plant). I was expecting more weight from the Cheese because of its sativa genetics in it. Doesnt seem to be going that way... I've only ever grown strains of straight Kush so any help is much appreciated!!!

Kush is a pretty great strain to grow. Flowers quick, yields decent, quality smoke, resistant to a lot of things like stress and pests, and most of all, easy to grow that is for sure. So the Kush probably didnt really suffer from a whole lot of anything that might have happend. The Cheese COULD be acting this way for a couple reasons, again I don't know.. just assuming maybe because I don't know anything about the strain, maybe its not as resistant to stress etc.. I figure it could either be 1) the phenotype. Or 2) stresses like heat stress, light stress, root bound, ph too low. These things happend with the Kush but they are growing along as expected so.. IDK lol. Anyways.. here are some pics. Thanks guys!!
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Wicked ReToddDid

Active Member
The "cheese" plant looks very Sativa and Sativas are known to take much longer to mature, when compared to their Indica counterpart. I would say give her more time in 12/12 and she will fill out.

She does look to have some nute burn on the leaf tips, but looks healthy overall.


Well-Known Member
The "cheese" plant looks very Sativa and Sativas are known to take much longer to mature, when compared to their Indica counterpart. I would say give her more time in 12/12 and she will fill out.

She does look to have some nute burn on the leaf tips, but looks healthy overall.
Ya that was from light bleaching way at the beginning. Ya i figured id leave her in for 9 or 10 weeks instead of 8 like the kush. We will see how things play out. Thats what I figured, but do I keep feeding then? Would I keep using "Big Bud" ? Normally it is used for 2nd through 4th week of flower on an 8 week cycle. My AN only runs to 6 weeks flower cycle.. never grown anything other then kush's so wasnt sure how to approach this, obviously want to make sure I dont screw up and fattening up for it.

Wicked ReToddDid

Active Member
Ya that was from light bleaching way at the beginning. Ya i figured id leave her in for 9 or 10 weeks instead of 8 like the kush. We will see how things play out. Thats what I figured, but do I keep feeding then? Would I keep using "Big Bud" ? Normally it is used for 2nd through 4th week of flower on an 8 week cycle. My AN only runs to 6 weeks flower cycle.. never grown anything other then kush's so wasnt sure how to approach this, obviously want to make sure I dont screw up and fattening up for it.
I would continue feeding, without a doubt. I normally continue feeding sativas at the week 6-7 nute regimen, up until the last 2 weeks. I let most of my Sativas go 11 weeks and stop nutes at week 9. In your case, maybe continue feeding the AN week 6 regimen, but I'm not familiar with AN. I'm not familiar with the Big Bud formula either, sorry I can't help more with that.


Well-Known Member
I would continue feeding, without a doubt. I normally continue feeding sativas at the week 6-7 nute regimen, up until the last 2 weeks. I let most of my Sativas go 11 weeks and stop nutes at week 9. In your case, maybe continue feeding the AN week 6 regimen, but I'm not familiar with AN. I'm not familiar with the Big Bud formula either, sorry I can't help more with that.
My thoughts exactly, no biggie, thanx for clarifying. Cheers dude!


I've got 3 GHS cheese on the go 7.5 weeks 12/12, 1 is clearly 2 weeks ahead of the other 2. Loads of white hairs big ass colas. Other 2 just starting to fatten, ;loads of small wispy nugs starting to get denser and hold hands. Seems like pheno to me. Is this what people mean when they talk of ghs having unstable genetics? I don't know I'm still pretty new to this. Good luck


Well-Known Member
I've got 3 GHS cheese on the go 7.5 weeks 12/12, 1 is clearly 2 weeks ahead of the other 2. Loads of white hairs big ass colas. Other 2 just starting to fatten, ;loads of small wispy nugs starting to get denser and hold hands. Seems like pheno to me. Is this what people mean when they talk of ghs having unstable genetics? I don't know I'm still pretty new to this. Good luck
Yep, exactly. I've herd that about greenhouse genetics too. My one is a week behind you, It looks tasty up close and the undercoat but I'm really hoping she fattens up over the next 2-4 weeks


Well-Known Member
My 2 cents, never go by what a sales pitch on a seed/breeder site says

they are done when they are done


Well-Known Member
My 2 cents, never go by what a sales pitch on a seed/breeder site says

they are done when they are done
100%!!! I usually estimate an extra 2 weeks. I never even pay attention to the yield expectations.. I only look at those to see which strain yields more than the other on a general basis. Exactly, when they are done they are done. Its just not ideal to see fluctuation in phenos when marketed something different.