Cheesequake Problems!!

Hey people, hope you can all help.
I have a two Cheesequakes 3 weeks into flower, in bio bizz light mix soil, 4.5ltr pot, being fed Plant Magic Oldtimer organic nutes.
They were both fed Grow NPK 5:3:3 at 2ml/ltr week 1
Week 2 they were fed 2/3ml/ltr Bloom NPK 3:5:4
At least that's what I think I've been feeding....
A week ago I noticed some of the tips going a bit pale which seemed like the beginning of over feeding, so I've been giving it just water for the last week.

Came to check on things today and I've got black spots everywhere and some crispy tips, but also some nitrogen drained leaves... So I'm not sure what is going on...

How do other people find their Cheesequakes?
i just can't keep mine happy and this happens every run of these cuts...

Please help!


grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
Well first let me welcome you to RIU.
Did you take a ph level? The only way to really tell.
I would do that. Then go from there.


Active Member
I would start with straight water until she starts to show deficiencies then start to feed next time. Or at least start with a very very low ppm...cq can't handle heavy feelings right off the back but late in flower when she's a 10 headed beast she wants all the food you can give her. Hope that helps k.i.s.s.

Well first let me welcome you to RIU.
Did you take a ph level? The only way to really tell.
I would do that. Then go from there.
Thanks for the welcome!
Im growing in compost so no need for me to check ph. The compost naturally buffers the ph to the plants needs.

I would start with straight water until she starts to show deficiencies then start to feed next time. Or at least start with a very very low ppm...cq can't handle heavy feelings right off the back but late in flower when she's a 10 headed beast she wants all the food you can give her. Hope that helps k.i.s.s.

So a week ago the whole plants were a nice healthy green but I noticed the edges of the serations going a bit yellow/burnt, so I bbeen feeding them only water and it is during this time the brown spots have shows up, which to me at first looks likes toxicity, but then why would the leaves be getting drained of nitrogen?
Is it a calcium hungry strain?


Active Member
Yea I have cal/mag problems but I think that's from using roots organics soil and it's really only when I use filtered you have a RO system?...but It kinda sounds like bugs :neutral:
No filter just straight from the tap into a bucket that sits for 24 hours.
None of my other girls get effected like this, so it can't be bugs...

I will try and pick some cal/mag up soon.


Active Member
Thanks for the welcome!
Im growing in compost so no need for me to check ph. The compost naturally buffers the ph to the plants needs.

nice lady, it never hurts to check PH even if it seems redundant, it can slip even in compost .


Well-Known Member
i would think a simple compost tea with fruit bat guano or any higher pk additive would help.

The wilty rust spots is common with phosphorous deficiency and the overall light green look makes me think the bacteria and fungi need a populaion increase to help utilize the stored up minerals in the compost. Compost teas normally include carbs and sugars to feed aerobic bacteria, excess sugars the bacteria dont eat will also help the plant produce more exudes to attrack and feed the bacteria and fungi in the rizosphere where it feeds the plant.

hope that helps.