Cheetoz from Savage genetics


Well-Known Member
Let's jump right in. I have 10 cheetoz clones and 2 shoog clones under 3 single ended 600watt hps lights in a 4x8 tent. 7gal pots of super soil. Enjoy!
My soil is coco peat based. Amended with everything lol. This mix was allowed 12 weeks to mature before planting in
After 10 weeks I bagged up my mix to bring it inside the tent for a further 2 weeks. This allows the mix to acclimate to the tent environment and be at the proper temp for planting in. IMG_20211230_223228.jpgIMG_20211230_223234.jpg
More details on this please. You mixed coco, peat, and amended with organics?
60/40 coco peat. 25lbs of worm castings. 16 lbs of grean bicycle Ocean bounty. 2lb azamite. A big boulder of alabaster busted up. 4cf mother earth #4 perlite. 8lb Dr earth homegrown. 5lb down to earth bat guano. 5lb diatomaceous earth. A bag of fox farm cavern culture and a bag of fox farm happy frog amendment
More details on this please. You mixed coco, peat, and amended with organics?
Yes I amended with organics. What u think I amended with calcium nitrate? Is amendment with anything but organics even a thing? This post is keeping it simple. Nobody is welcome that just wants to ask off questions
Before planting my plugs into the 7gal pots I brew up a batch of grean bicycles happy endings tea for the initial wateringIMG_20211230_223245.jpg to really get some turbo microbe action
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60/40 coco peat. 25lbs of worm castings. 16 lbs of grean bicycle Ocean bounty. 2lb azamite. A big boulder of alabaster busted up. 4cf mother earth #4 perlite. 8lb Dr earth homegrown. 5lb down to earth bat guano. 5lb diatomaceous earth. A bag of fox farm cavern culture and a bag of fox farm happy frog amendment
I live in a forest so I also added a 5gal bucket of native soil to my mix.
Although this is a water only soil if one desired. I still add a lil somthin somthin to my waterings. One product in particular I'm excited to be trying out is this coast of MaineIMG_20211230_223240.jpg liquid squid.
In addition to my waterings I use fish head farms Fish shit, nectar for the gods zues juice, coast of Maine liquid squid and tea from grean bicycles
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At one point I had rye grass populating my mix. Because it's all I had on hand but was just to get that circle of life activated in the blend so plant species being rye was for no particular reason