ChemDawg 91 Recirculating DWC + Advanced Nutrients


Hey Guys, this will be my first grow thread but I've been a huge follower of this site for quite some time so those who make this site go I look forward to interacting and talking with all of with all of you through-out the process. I'm an experienced organic coco and soil grower that has decided mix it up completely you could say. It wasn't till recently that I'd ever imagine using AN I'm a Canna lifer, but after seeing some spectacular hydro/AN results, yields and kinda bored with the same old process I really just wanted to go for it, if I dont get the results I'm used to then its Coco for life and I'll go back to my AN/Hydro hating ways and say I've seen first hand the shit sucks but I cant truly knock it till I try it. Hoping for a pleasant surprise would be a good way to explain my goal with this grow.

So this is a "Chemdawg 91" grow under a 600 HPS light in a recirculating DWC system. Clones from a buddy. Very good pheno type, typically a good yielder so hoping with DWC yield will be excellent. These plants will be topped once it has stretched and a few more nodes have grown. Currently on 18/6 light schedule and this is day 6 of veg. I currently am using the following nutes:

AN Sensi Grow pH Perfect series A+B
AN B-52
AN VooDoo Juice
Botanicare Cal-Mag

This is week one and I have the pH dialed in at 5.6-5.7 and PPM 600.

About my setup:
5 gallon buckets with 8" Net Pot lids filled with Hydroton.
Air pump powering Airstone and Drip ring.

The air pump powered drip rings are an excellent solution to keep your DWC recirculating as water pumps arent a viable option because of the heat increase in the reservoir water. In DWC prime water temp is 68% F. General hydroponics makes an excellent kit that I picked up for about 14 dollars that includes the air lift plumbing and drip ring aswell as a reservoir height indicator. I am going to change my nute solution and clean the buckets once a week and check the pH every 3 days.

I uploaded some photos below.

I'll be updating this thread frequently, any questions, comments, insults and whatever hit me up... talk soon guys. -One-JL



Rebel From The North
Welcome jet, and i must say looking good! One thing to watch out for is the voodoo in dwc can end up
in diaster! Meaning the dreaded slime!


Thx for the heads up hellraizer. Yeah certainly trying to prevent the slime at all costs...any tips or advice for avoiding it while using Voodoo Juice (lower ppm? h202 at end of reservor cycle?)


Rebel From The North
cold res temps will cure all. keep 66-68.
Slime can set in at 66f best thing is to stop using voodoo and use teas or aquashield and AN piriana
I go with the AN piriana and aquashield everythree day and its crystal clear! And smells great!
you can use h202 between res changes but it will kill your beneficials in your root zone. Better to
just drain out your res or bucket and clean her up good. This might make it a bit easyer, just get
a spare bucket to swap and wash with soap.


Active Member
check out hiesenbergs thread here in the bubbleponics section on teas for DWC i live by them for my dwc grows for plant and more importantly root health mate keeps nasty pathogens at bay, best of luck with the grow mate


Hey everyone thanks for the great responses.

@Sqydro I have a question about the I mix the tea right in with my nutes or do I do a week of no nutes and just tea? The tea seems like a great solution tho or atleast the best I've heard of so far.

@BigBuddahCheese Thanks for your input, great to hear from another grower with similar success with a strain. I love ChemDawg that's why when I got the opportunity to grab some clones I leaped. Any photos to share?

And just a general question, anyone have a link to a helpful co2 thread? I'm looking to impliment a system into my new room and some installation and usuage tips would be really be helpful. I've come across some co2 question threads but nothing sticky worthy or rather in depth.

Thanks for the support and help guys talk soon... Until then I'm dabbing on some Sour D x Grapefruit honeycomb out the toro froth!


Well-Known Member
Looks good! Ive never had any trouble with Voodoo Juice myself

could just be me but i dont know anyone else that has either
i almost always run tarantula and piranha as well so maybe thats it

i'll pull up a chair for this, should be a good grow!