Chikamasa for Left-Handed Trimming?


New Member
Hi all,

I am looking into purchasing a good pair of scissors for trimming. I am left-handed and can't find any info on what left-handed people use to trim. I am particularly interested in purchasing a pair of Chikamasa's but I don't want to spend all that money only to find out that they won't work for me. Any southpaws here that can give me some options?

Thank you!
I've been using a pair of these fiskars softouch spring action micro-tip scissors for probably 10 years now and I've been happy with them. Their good for precise cuts and I find them to be comfortable. I'm left-handed but I don't think there's any handedness to the design of these scissors. With that being said, I grow in a small cab so I've really only used them on small harvests.
I've been using a pair of these fiskars softouch spring action micro-tip scissors for probably 10 years now and I've been happy with them. Their good for precise cuts and I find them to be comfortable. I'm left-handed but I don't think there's any handedness to the design of these scissors. With that being said, I grow in a small cab so I've really only used them on small harvests.
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Happy to know there is an option out there! Thanks for the post. I also won’t have a huge harvest to trim, but it would be nice to have something that will work good for what I will grow.