
Active Member
Hey RIU,

Just thought I'd do kind of a "final post" thing lol. My last plants herm'd on me and it kinda came with an epiphany. I've been so sucked into this growing thing that I've realized that I almost neglected a lot of things... Not really neglected, but if I wasn't working my 10-12 hr shifts, I was checking on the plants or reading up diff techniques I could improve on. No time for the fam/gf/friends. I was always like, "I have to be there when the lights turn on" lol. But I'm done growing for a bit, till I can get my shit back on track. Not sure why I'm telling a bunch of random people online, but I guess there's not really anyone else to tell =O.

Anywho, I guess I wanted to thank the people of RIU, it was a learning experience and I've gathered a bunch of info about things I never thought I'd think twice about. And to those who are growing, keep it up. To those who are waiting to get out and grow, stay eager, but don't let it cloud your judgement.

PS: If anyone has smaller plants to chop (one gal and smaller plants) and wanted to find a stealth way to store the trim if not using for hash, you'd be surprised at how many leaves/stems you can fit into a pringles bottle lol! And for those who are chopping herms or males or whatever, a good sad song to chop to is candles by daughter. For those who are interested!

Trees, OVER and out!


Well-Known Member
Well its always sad to see someone go.. best of luck to ya, hope you start growing again soon

I've a feeling this had a lot to do with a girlfriend.. care to share? Anyway yea...good luck out there:)


Well-Known Member
You'll be back. I obsessed over my grow too. I read different things almost all day long all over the net, googling every question I ever had. I learned so much though, and it was only the lack of knowledge that ever drove me to obsess over it. I used to stare at my plant for hours at a time, now she's lucky if I check on her more than once a day. What I mean is, once you start getting the hang of it, you won't be AS concerned about it :)


Well-Known Member
Sorry to see ya go and i hear ya. It's all about priorities. Looks like, at this point in your life, you've changed priorities. Can't ever get down on a person for wanting to neglect family and friends less. Good on you!

It's also about obsession. Or not letting your grow run your life. Where you even fukin dream about it (did I water today?, oh shit! wtf is that on my plants?, if I fuk up all my plants will die :cuss:........). As Havek points out, it does get better :mrgreen: And there's no reason you can't have it all :blsmoke:

Come back if and when you are ready (or when you get sick of g/f, friends and, you know where we'll be :eyesmoke:

Good luck to you!

R2T :peace:


Well-Known Member
Lol once I dreamed I harvested too early and woke up like FUCK, WHY DID I DO THAT.. xD

Jar Man

Active Member
I still spend more time w/the girls than almost anything else after 30+ yrs. OCD, some have said. My wife's threatened to leave me and the cat and dog scarcely know me.


Active Member
Thanks for all the replies everyone. I'll try to answer everyone's questions and concerns lol. It's actually not cause of my gf. I did it for two reasons. One, to save some money, b/c to get green in a non legal state is stupid expensive. And my gf has lupus, and she claims it's the only thing that kinda helps without a lot of adverse side effects. Except being high lol. But I did realize I started to "neglect" other things b/c I just always had my girls on my mind XD. I mean in no way am I giving up smoking or anything. I think I'll always be a tree fiend. But I don't think I'm ready to face the consequences if anything were to go sour. (Think of that scene in 21 jump street when james francos brother says, "Do you know what rhymes with grape?!?" LOL. Even other consequences, family.. Don't want them to see me differently lol. I mean I can stealth it up so whenever I get random visits you know nothing happens, but I just feel like I'm in this state of mind. Growing was so exciting for me. I literally could hit a spliff and stare at my plants for hours. Basically, if I'm not working, or doing anything important (family stuff usually) I'm extremely high XD. And another thing is, most might look down on me, but I love driving when I have a nice high. (not stoned out of my mind) but it's just a really nice feeling with some chill music. Feel like nothing matters at that point. I just need to kinda put things in perspective though. Idk what I'm saying, I'm high right now hahaha. But to all, thanks a lot! I learned A LOT from this forum and I'll still enjoy seeing everyones progress and try answering others.

Sorry for the wall of text!!!