Chris Brown smacked with bottle


Well-Known Member
By none other then my man Meek Millz:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

He deserved it and it makes it so much better that Meek did it.
It's crazy 2 years ago I made a thread an nobody knew who Meek he's chilling with Drake and beating on Chris Brown with bottles lol.


Well-Known Member
Nipsey Hussle and Jay Rock are the last new rappers that came out that actually have meaningful music. Other than that new music especially hip hop is garbage.


Well-Known Member
Meek Mill is the truth .....

all these gay ass rappers now a days wearing women's clothing and shit.

I'm glad meek got a deal

Drakes a cornball for fighting over a bitch

Chris Browns a cornball for fighting a bitch,and then fighting for the same bitch. Oh yea and he's a snitch cause he told the police about everything that happened.

Drake or Chris aint bout that life so they need to chill out with all that ...

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I feel no shame for saying that I hope someone that openly attacks an other member of society like that over bullshit deserves to be locked up... it's just the way it is...


Not that I was saying he should be locked up for a long time tho... cause that would be bullshit...

I just don't see why if Meek has a problem with Chris that they couldn't settle it like men instead of throwing bottles in a club... That is retarded...


Well-Known Member
The whole thing sounds kinda dumb and juvenile...and who cares if this one guy got hit with a bottle, I mean for real? I bet at minimum 87 people lost a leg somewhere in the world, and we care that some grown men acting like middle schoolers are fighting...sweet jesus?! Is this the people we have become?!


Well-Known Member
and jail is never the answer...It is just petty criminal training camp....
People lost their way and then get on the totally wrong path, just because they went to jail for something dumb...and I don't think one immature ass hitting another similarly minded person with a bottle is really that terrible...when we all know that the victim is just as likely to me the aggressor in a conflict...

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
It's more the other people that weren't involved in the scuffle that got hurt that make me believe he should be punished for his bitch like behaviour...

and to add to Meeks Bitch Assness he king hit Chris with a bottle... Did not even invite the man to fight just clocked him with a bottle...


Well-Known Member
Chris brown deserved that ass whooping if you ask me ...

Rhianna's face looked much worse then his after their altercation.

Their entourages were involved too so it wasn't like it was a one on one ...

It was basically a bar brawl ....its not a successful bar brawl till someone gets hit with a bottle :lol:

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I'm not saying that he didn't or doesn't deserve an ass whoopin Kush...

Just that king hitting him with a bottle is a bitch move and starting a fight that injures innocent people is a bitch move... Any problem he had he could have sorted it out like a man instead of being a complete dickhead about it...


Well-Known Member
meek fucked rihanna then hit boi wit a bottle its official philly in the building lol


Well-Known Member
Real guys don't beat up on women. Chris Brown should have been JAILED. I laugh my ass off whenever he throws a tantrum when someone asks him about Rihanna.

Whiney little bitch.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i almost never keep up with spoiled little rich boy beefs (yes, that's what famous rappers/singers are), but this gave me a little shiver of glee. it takes a certain level of bitchness to beat on a woman so i'm satisfied with the decision of the karma police on this one. glad everyone knows about it, too. cue the diss songs.

edit: no idea what in the hell happened when i edited this post. seriously, wtf?
edit #2: never mind. it went away. carry on.