Chronic and white russian - mutated seedlings? Please help!!!


Active Member
Hi :)

I bought chronic and white russian seeds through attitude. 9 altogether. all germinated, first week was ok. but having experience in growing ( its my 5th grow) im a bit worried as it is 13 day and they look miserable. leafs seems to be the same in size and a new growth at the top of each plant seems to me really miserable. the stem is really thin. they have 400hps, 2 oscilating fans, temp 29-31C, 2 fans (in and out), humidity 50% . I had arjan haze once and had the same problem- thats why i am concerned but maybe someone here grew chronic and it is just how specific for chronic genetics appears. Arent they mutated ? it is 14 days almost ...schould i buy new seeds? Please helppp!!!