chronic pics how does it look??


Well-Known Member
Kind of looks like some "good" mids to me man.

Most chronic you buy theses days is real fucking dense and 1/8 or a 1/4 won't usually look like much, but weighs a lot for it's size and breaks up real well (the denser the weed the better). Also it should shine with little or large Crystal like structures. The bud should be green, blue, or purple (a mix of these colors is best) and covered in specks of white or brownish white little crystals. There should be a lot of hairs with colors ranging from burnt orange to dark red. Most well cured dank has a burnt smokey quality to sunky scent, that smell should be followed with either a fruity or piney undertones in scent.

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
How much r u payin for this homie.... I gottin some expensive Reggie they call "popcorn" out here in Texas for 25 a qtr that looks like what u got in that bag but a better pic would do but it looks like that... I dint like gettin it but when the chronicle isn't so interesting I'll grab something like that if it's right..