Cigarette after a joint, bowl, blunt... your preference!


Active Member
What would be the reason behind shortness of breath, dizziness, and really just a feeling to need to lay down when I smoke a joint then a cig afterwards. If i refrain from the cigarette it doesn't have the same effect? random question!!


Active Member
But I have found myself not even smoking at all cause of it. I keep my bowl with me and when the urge comes. I just hit he bowl!


Well-Known Member
Your lungs are telling you to quit smoking cigs.

.....or you're having a panic attack.....

Most of that is considering getting high. o_O


Well-Known Member
Nicotine overdose man, look it up. It makes you nautious and feel like a bag of soggy dicks. Ik because i get the same thing too if i smoke too many cigarettes after one another. If i were you id look into getting one of those cheap ecigs, i got one and probably saved a bunch of money i would have spent on packs, but when i lost it i just bought a pack lol. So dont get it if your trying to quit or think you can, because thats what you should be trying to do. Cigs are bad mmkay


Well-Known Member
^^^^^^^^^ Yep. Just too much nicotine. I like to smoke a cigar after I hit my g pen. I get a little light headed sometimes


Active Member
Thanks for the input. Might try the E-cig.. Once I begin toking.. cigs are out. I find myself wanting one but then when I hit it twice, i begin to regret it. I have an ashtray full of half cigs. hell they go stale before i get to them. throwing away more than I'm smoking. yea time to try to quit.. thx guys..