Cigarette Machine

Have you ever make your own cigarettes?

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I shop in a local suburban store for my cigarettes. It's a roll your own/headshop, but they use a loophole to roll them for you without the taxes: you order them from their main shop by telephone, and you have to be referred by a known customer to do this. You state how many cartons you desire along with the tubes and tobacco you prefer (they blend natural tobacco to taste like your favorite popular brand), and in two days they deliver them to the shop closest to you. When you go in, you tell them that you have a carton(s) for pick up and you pay in the store, but they bring you out to their car to give you your cigarettes. It's like a shady drug deal, I love it. Their price? $35 per carton! That's $3.50 per pack, as opposed to $12 here in Chicago. In fact, I was thinking about quitting 'til I found this place. How can I quit now when smoking is so affordable? I think this place may be the death of me. Anyway, I sometimes forget to order before I run out, so I'm usually stuck taking out a loan to buy a couple full price packs. When I ran out this time, I thought I'd invest in a cigarette machine from them to be able to make my own when I find myself without. I purchased this from them for $50 -


I sat down last night while baked, grabbed my preferred tobacco and tubes I also purchased, and watched a YT video on how it's done. It's actually kinda fun, and I finished doing a carton before my playlist ran out. It's impressive how nicely they come out, I like to pack mine extra full and firm. Doing it this way, it only comes out to $1.90 a pack. I won't do this on the regular because I'm lazy, but it's nice to have in a pinch. You guys ever roll your own?
Do you get hand rolling baccy in the Merica? Golden Virginia, Drum etc?

Excuse the stoopid question. I'm from Yurp.

I bought the store's blend called 'bold', it's blended to taste like marlboro red. It's cheap, $13 for 8 oz, more than enough to do a carton. They say that the cut and texture of the tobacco has a lot to do with how well your cigs turn out from these machines. Mine turned out great ;)
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I used to have one of these....
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It was kind of rubbish, but made it easier to smuggle weed and pills into clubs.

Lol. That was one of the first thoughts I had, 'how well would this work with MJ?' I think you'd have to blend the MJ with tobacco for the cigs to have a nice consistency. I'm willing to do that as it will make smoking weed in public stealthier...
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Smokes are only $5.50 a pack here but i have one of the small cheap plastic machines and a carton of filter tubes incase i run out in the middle of the night. Dont have to go without or catch a dui over a pack of cigarrests.

Lately ive been using blunt guts to fill the tubes. You get the fruity blunt taste but the filter helps smooth it out.
Smokes are only $5.50 a pack here but i have one of the small cheap plastic machines and a carton of filter tubes incase i run out in the middle of the night. Dont have to go without or catch a dui over a pack of cigarrests.

Lately ive been using blunt guts to fill the tubes. You get the fruity blunt taste but the filter helps smooth it out.

Blunt guts, huh? Did the machine pack the tubes to a firm consistency, or did it they come out with loose spots?
I live on the Indian reservation and the locals started growing their own tobacco a few years back and I get cartons for $26, or individual packs for 2.75 and they're damned good smokes except they do tend to smoke a lil fast especially towards the end of the pack if they've been bouncing around in your pocket all day. But the best thing is they are not fire safe cigarettes with the "fsc" on the UPC label. And yea I have a rolling machine, the single serve one; for when I'm poor.
Not sure if you can order their smokes but might be worth looking into. King Mountain brand out of White Swan, WA
Blunt guts, huh? Did the machine pack the tubes to a firm consistency, or did it they come out with loose spots?

I have the machine like growan showed, it lets you pack as loose or tight as you want to. You just have to dig through the blunt tobacco and pull out some of the sticks and larger chunks.
Yup been rolling my own for a pretty long time. I have the same crank style machine as you. $16 bucks for a pound of baccy and $2..50 for the tubes. So $26 for 2 cartons or more. I roll two packs worth every morning one for me one for her. Takes about 30 minutes.
I used one of those small plastic machines long ago to roll blunts, it took a while but did a decent job. It seems like it would take forever to roll a pack of cigs with one, but I bet you get quicker at it after you do it a few hundred times...
Some people use pipe tobacco for these machines. It's funny how the gov't hasn't gotten around to taxing pipe tobacco but tax the shit out of cigarettes. I guess it's because there are so many more cig smokers than pipe smokers...
Im ready to invest in a nice electric one tho. Some do three at a time.

I'd probably do that, too, if I did this regularly. I here there's a lot that goes wrong with the electric ones, but I bet it's still worth it as it would pay for itself it a short amount of time. The industrial model on which my shop make my cigs make a carton in less that 5 minutes! I'd like to watch that...
Yeah I've been using Top-O-Matic for bout 2 years now. It was either that or keep shoveling out $6 a pack. Or quit. But quitting is tough man. The amount of money saved rolling is ridiculous. I think I figured these 2 years I've saved over $6k. I've been using Smokin' G tobacco and Premier tubes.
I'd probably do that, too, if I did this regularly. I here there's a lot that goes wrong with the electric ones, but I bet it's still worth it as it would pay for itself it a short amount of time. The industrial model on which my shop make my cigs make a carton in less that 5 minutes! I'd like to watch that...
Im just tired of cranking the damn thing a million times every week. Honestly might go back to vaping. Had a really nice one but the ex broke it in one of her signature freak outs.