Cindy and Ganesh - chop chop? (PICS)


This is a first grow. Think things are ok so far considering. :clap: Could use some help on when to chop. Both girls are at day 53 of 12/12. Indoor soil grow under a 250 hps with some T5s in the back of the cabinet. They've been getting only water for the last 2 waterings - about 8 days.

* Do NOT want couch lock. Looking for a heady stone and some lift. So if these are pretty close, will err on the side of chopping earlier rather than later. The first is a femed C99 from female seeds. Breeder info says "mostly sativa" with 7-8 weeks to maturity. The 2nd is a femed Ganesh Spirit from sweet seeds. Breeder info says "sativa/indica (60%/40%)" with 8 week flowering time. Any help appreciated!

Here's 4 shots of Cindy
cindy1 - Copy.jpgcindy2 - Copy.jpgcindy3 - Copy.jpgcindy4 - Copy.jpg

And 4 of Ganesh
gs1 - Copy.jpggs2 - Copy.jpggs3 - Copy.jpggs4 - Copy.jpg


Well-Known Member
you need to get a shot of the trichs on the bud they look like leaf shots the trichs on the leaf will turn amber b4 the bud trichs but look good almost done


Active Member
ya u can clearly see all the amber on the leaves, plants look good tho and i say r almost ready if not done for the high you are looking for, id say not to chop later then this weekend, subed to see the harvest:bigjoint:


I was thinking to harvest on 4/20, for the awesomeness of that, but after looking at the trics this morning with a buddy who has about 8 indoor grows under his belt, Ganesh is coming down tonight and Cindy is coming down Thursday at the latest. Thanks both for your input. Excited to cure and smoke my own bud for the first time. Peace.


Active Member
its an excellent feeling isnt it haha make sure to update with harvest pics and smoke report, have fun taking her down!