Clay pebbles in soil?


Well-Known Member
Ok so im pretty broke and was needing to mix up some soil, i have no perlite but i have tons of clay pebbles, i know perlite is only a couple bucks but miracle grow is the only brand i can find. I remember the clay pebble package said you could use it with soil. Do people not use them for this because of price? Will it work well for drainage? thanks

Oh yeah..
50% peat
25% mushroom compost
25% clay pebbles


stays relevant.
It will work fine. The clay pebbles dry rather quickly, so I would assume it will help aerate your soil.

-GrowTech :)


Dat's FUNNY....cause I jus did dis MY'SEF!!!! At FIRST, I mixed'em in WIT da soil at about a 3 parts soil, 1 part pellets ratio. My potna had suggested dat I put'em on da BOTTOM of da pots....but EYE felt like dey would do mo benefit INSIDE da dat's what I did. But afta I started MIXIN....I kinda notice sumfin I shoulda thought a lil HARDER bout, and dat was da fact dat da pellets NATURALLY wanted to fall to da bottom as I MIXED..which was kinda makin fo a not so even distribution. So in dat case....I coulda controlled da pellets per potted plant ratio a lil betta jus by takin my potnas suggestion. So afta I used up all dat mixed soil, and googled and found DIS article...I opted to go wit HIS method on da NEXT round of transplants. But NOW...I'm worried dat my mix of Sanctuary Soils Empire Builder (2 cu.ft) & Fox Farms Ocean Forrest (1.5 cu ft) might retain too much water up TOP fo da pellets on da BOTTOM to have da desired EFFECT!!!! It makes fo an EASIER separation of soil and pellets and da END when I go to recycle my soil....but overall EFFECT I think my FIRST mind was da BETTA choice. We'll see tho, jus transplanted yestaday, and my tea was still brewin so I only LIGHTLY watered in da hole I transplanted I'll be TESTIN da drainage SHORTLY, and really be able to tell WHICH if EITHA is holdin water DA MOST!!!


Well-Known Member
Dat's FUNNY....cause I jus did dis MY'SEF!!!! At FIRST, I mixed'em in WIT da soil at about a 3 parts soil, 1 part pellets ratio. My potna had suggested dat I put'em on da BOTTOM of da pots....but EYE felt like dey would do mo benefit INSIDE da dat's what I did. But afta I started MIXIN....I kinda notice sumfin I shoulda thought a lil HARDER bout, and dat was da fact dat da pellets NATURALLY wanted to fall to da bottom as I MIXED..which was kinda makin fo a not so even distribution. So in dat case....I coulda controlled da pellets per potted plant ratio a lil betta jus by takin my potnas suggestion. So afta I used up all dat mixed soil, and googled and found DIS article...I opted to go wit HIS method on da NEXT round of transplants. But NOW...I'm worried dat my mix of Sanctuary Soils Empire Builder (2 cu.ft) & Fox Farms Ocean Forrest (1.5 cu ft) might retain too much water up TOP fo da pellets on da BOTTOM to have da desired EFFECT!!!! It makes fo an EASIER separation of soil and pellets and da END when I go to recycle my soil....but overall EFFECT I think my FIRST mind was da BETTA choice. We'll see tho, jus transplanted yestaday, and my tea was still brewin so I only LIGHTLY watered in da hole I transplanted I'll be TESTIN da drainage SHORTLY, and really be able to tell WHICH if EITHA is holdin water DA MOST!!!
I don't normally jump on the way people write... but damn... that is a crazy way of writing.


I don't normally jump on the way people write... but damn... that is a crazy way of writing.
No worries BRUH....I get it ALLLL da time in da social networkin worlt. It's second you've prolly noticed by my SLANGUAGE, I am a DARKER skinned homosapien...but don't let da my lack of spellin da "Kang Anglish" correckally FOOL YA, I'ain no DUMMY by a LONG SHOT!!!! It's mo' so jus as REALISTIC and DETAILED as I can BE wit folks to undastand how da words really SOUND commin outta my MOUF...dat's ALL!!!!


So what do I gotta do to be able to upload a profile pic!?!?!? Accordin to da FAQ's....I gotta jus sit and wait fo an ADMIN to make da feature AVAILABLE to me!?!?!? If dat's da case....I must hafta start "showin my face" round deez parts mo OFTEN den HUH!?!?!?


Thanks Snaps.....I'll take dat advice goin FORWARD!!!! At DIS point....I'm jus moreso worried bout my MIX....I had some issha's wit drainage befo' wit a SIMILAR mix...but da ratio was I was BROKE at da time......and I cut da mix wit some Miracle Gro dat was jus layin around (which had ZERO perlite in it) as to stretch da soil OUT!!!!! I think da MG was da thang dat fucked it OFF!!!